OSU Extended Campus Associate Dean Wins Leadership Position

Mark MerickelAugust 2007

Dr. Mark Merickel, associate dean OSU Extended Campus, has been elected as the Oregon caucus delegate to the Western Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET).

WCET is open to providers and users of educational technologies around the world, with members across the United States and nine other countries. Member institutions of higher education, non profit associations, government agencies and corporations work to advance the effective use of technology in higher education. WCET actualizes this mission through the cooperative efforts of its member network.

According to OSU Vice Provost Scott Reed, "Dr. Merickel's leadership in educational technologies and WCET will dovetail extremely well with OSU's new Division of Outreach and Engagement." Merickel is currently the administrative lead of OSU's Extended Campus, which provides distance and online education, Summer Session, P-12 Outreach and non-credit workforce development programs. Extended Campus was recently aligned with OSU Extension Service to create the new Division of Outreach and Engagement.

The role of the state caucus delegate is to serve on the WCET Steering Committee, assist with feedback from members, make recommendations for organizational policies and suggest special educational and educational leadership projects. Steering committee members serve three-year terms.

Merickel said, "I am looking forward to working with my colleagues in Oregon, across the nation and around the world to learn more about teaching and learning with technology, to explore the needs of tomorrow's learners and play an active role in policy directions for higher education."

For more information about WCET and the steering committee visit the WCET website.  Back to Ecampus homepage.
