Mission statement
As a leader in online education, Oregon State University Ecampus engages in innovative and creative partnerships to provide access to exceptional learning experiences that transform the lives of students in Oregon and around the world.
Vision statement
To be the most learner-centric organization, passionately transforming lives through access to exceptional online educational experiences.
Helping learners earn degrees and reach educational goals online
Working together, sharing our talents, pitching in, partnering with others
Diversity and inclusivity
Welcoming new people, seeking out new ideas and new ways of doing things
Evidence and research
Making data-driven decisions, using and contributing to research literature
Inventing new tools and strategies, creatively solving problems
Being honest and ethical in all we do
Leadership by example
Taking initiative and walking the talk, every employee, every day
Organizational health
Supporting each other, celebrating successes, investing in professional development, making this an organization employees are proud to be part of
Setting high standards, striving for excellence, continually improving
Support and advocacy
Empathizing with those we serve, responding to their needs, advocating on their behalf
Support of diversity, equity and inclusion
We stand united in our commitment to supporting a diverse, global community of modern learners and employees.
Read our statement
Create and promote in-demand, quality online programs that are accessible and affordable for adult learners.
Invest in teaching and learning innovation and research-based online course design and assessment to continuously improve the quality of Ecampus courses and programs.
Develop student success initiatives and services to support, retain and advocate for Ecampus students so they can meet their educational goals.
Expand our role as a national leader in online education by offering exceptional degree programs and pursuing innovative partnerships, affordable learning initiatives and actionable research.
Inspire, engage and collaborate with campus partners and external stakeholders to continuously improve online education at OSU, and beyond.
Foster an organizational culture that strives for employee-well-being, open communication and professional growth opportunities for all employees.
Build an Ecampus culture that is more diverse, equitable, and inclusive by implementing an adaptive strategic plan for inclusive excellence to continually improve our working and learning environments.