Military Students and Veterans

We are dedicated to providing you with the tools and services you need to succeed as an online student with Oregon State University Ecampus. When you use military benefits, you'll have access to OSU's veteran certifying officials and military and veteran advising services, as well as robust support services available to all Ecampus students.

Ecampus military grant

Oregon State Ecampus provides financial assistance to currently serving military members who entered the service while they were residents of Oregon and who are using military tuition assistance to help pay for their online classes. Eligibility requirements »

Enrollment at multiple institutions for degree-seeking students

Visit OSU's webpage about enrollment at multiple institutions.

Oregon State will certify your OSU courses; your other institution will certify its own courses. You must provide the Veteran Certifying Officials with your OSU academic advisor’s approval for courses you enroll in at the other institution. Please contact OSU's VA and military benefit certifying team at 541-737-0747 or

VA chapters

Visit OSU's veterans information page, which has VA chapters information for:

Academic advisors

If you need assistance in getting in contact with your advisor, please call 800-667-1465 (option 1) or email

Confirmation of registration

Once you have registered for classes, you can print your class schedule by selecting View Your Class Schedule in Detail. If you have registered for an Ecampus course, Ecampus-Distance Education will be display in the Campus field.
