For Journalists

Our purpose

Oregon State University Ecampus is the catalyst for making educational dreams a reality. Whether you’re a working professional, a stay-at-home parent, serving in the military or simply looking to finish what you started, our top-ranked online degree programs help you move forward in life. Everything we do is designed to empower you and give you access to the high-quality education you deserve, no matter where you live.

Oregon State Ecampus
by the numbers

undergraduate programs

graduate programs

online classes

OSU faculty partners

individual OSU students who took one or more Ecampus class in 2023-24

students who have earned an OSU degree online since 2002

years in a row ranked top 10 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report

A proud history in distance education

Oregon State University’s roots in distance education stretch back to the 1880s when the university delivered “farmers’ institutes” in rural communities throughout the state. Oregon State’s first complete distance degree program was offered in liberal studies via correspondence and video in 1982, and OSU Ecampus — as the unit exists today — began delivering degree programs and courses online in 2002.

Learn more about our history in our interactive timeline.

The students we serve

Ecampus proudly serves adult learners in all 50 states and 60 countries. The people who enroll in Ecampus courses and programs consist of distance (off-campus) students — whose life situations make it difficult for them to attend courses on Oregon State’s Corvallis or Bend campuses — and campus-based students who may take an occasional online course due to a schedule conflict or preference for online learning.

Here are some demographics of OSU’s online students from the 2023-24 academic year:

  • Approximately 26% live in Oregon.
  • The average age is 31.
  • 78% are enrolled part time.
  • 35% of OSU’s online undergraduates are first-generation college students.

Media contact

Tyler Hansen
Senior writer and communications manager

A nationally ranked leader

Oregon State Ecampus is regarded as one of the nation’s best providers of online education and is ranked as such by various independent publications. Ecampus has earned and maintained distinction based on academic quality, student engagement, faculty credentials and training, student satisfaction and degree selection diversity among other criteria.

In January 2025, the Ecampus online bachelor’s degree programs were ranked No. 7 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. It marked Oregon State’s 11th straight year in the top 10 — a feat no other institution in the country can claim.

The benefits of learning online with Oregon State

Learning online at Oregon State University provides ample advantages that can’t be obtained at many other online universities. Here are some of the benefits that come with being an Oregon State Ecampus student:

  • All Ecampus classes are developed by OSU’s world-class faculty, who are known worldwide for their research, expertise and innovation.
  • Oregon State is institutionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
  • Ecampus students receive the same diploma and transcript as OSU’s on-campus students.
  • Ecampus provides learners with student success counseling, 24/7 online tutoring, access to OSU Libraries, career services and countless other resources.

Important notes

  • Ecampus delivers courses and programs online in partnership with Oregon State’s 11 academic colleges.
  • Our name should be listed as Oregon State University Ecampus on first reference and as Oregon State Ecampus, OSU Ecampus or Ecampus thereafter. It is never hyphenated (E-Campus, E-campus) or stylized in any other manner (eCampus).
  • All Oregon State units adhere The Associated Press Stylebook in web and printed materials for editorial style.
  • OSU’s brand identity guidelines help govern how we present Ecampus and the university online and in print, video and other formats.