The online Graduate Certificate in Fisheries Management thrives on the expertise of many Oregon State faculty in a wide-reaching span of relevant disciplines to prepare students to handle fisheries management issues from a range of perspectives.
Program leaders

Bruce Dugger, Ph.D – Associate department head and director of online programs
Specialty in ecology, conservation, and management of waterbirds, particularly waterfowl, and their wetland habitats. Ongoing research includes: understanding factors that limit populations of wintering waterfowl; biological theory behind development of conservation plans; avian behavioral ecology and evolution of life history parameters; ecology and conservation of rare waterbirds; wetland management and restoration to meet life history needs of waterbird communities. Read Bruce’s bio »

Susie Dunham, Ph.D – Graduate program advisor and instructor
Specialty in conservation genetics, forest ecology, technical writing and general science communication. Graduate courses taught include FW 506: Projects (taken when graduate certificate students complete their capstone); and FW 620: Ecological Policy. Read Susie's bio »
Important dates
See our academic calendar for our full quarter term schedule.
Degree quick facts
* Oregon State University is on a quarter-term system. There are four quarters each year and classes are 11 weeks long. This program's 18 quarter credits are equal to 12 semester credits.
† Based on current tuition rates. No additional charge for nonresident students. Does not include course materials and associated fees and expenses.
‡ You can complete all or nearly all requirements of this program online. View the curriculum.
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