Ecampus Schedule of Classes - All Terms

College of Agricultural Sciences

AEC 511 – Introduction to Food Systems: Local to Global (3)

Critically examines the operation and outcomes of food systems using a systems thinking framework to analyze food supply chains, including inputs such as natural processes, technology, labor, education and public policy. Emphasizes the causal connections between food system activities and how they give rise to a wide range of environmental and social challenges, from climate change to food insecurity. Evaluates and recommends public and private policy to improve food system outcomes. Emphasizes analysis based on scale, historical changes, social and cultural perspectives, and emerging alternative food system practices including organic production. This course may be subject to Enforced Prerequisites that restrict registration into the course. Check the offerings below for more information.

For more information, contact OSU Ecampus at 800-667-1465 (option 1) or

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TermCRNSecCrP/NInstructorTypeStatusCapAvailWL CapWL Avail
W25348024003Acquah-Sarpong, R.Online Closed10-100
Class Notes: Does not meet Graduate School's stand-alone requirement.

Textbooks  [ Textbooks]

Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact instructor to request syllabus. (Note: An ONID account is required to view OSU's online directory.)
Su25723234003StaffOnline Open5500
Class Notes: Jun 23-Sep 5Session 1Does not meet Graduate School's stand-alone requirement.


Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact department to request syllabus.
Session: Full TermSession 1 (Full Term)
Find textbooks for AEC 511 at the OSU Beaver Store (current term only). For questions related to course materials, contact the OSU Beaver Store.

= Signifies the course as a Baccalaureate Core Course.
= Signifies that fees may apply to the course.
+ = Include restriction.
- = Exclude restriction.
* = Prereq may be taken prior to or simultaneously with this course.