Ecampus Schedule of Classes - All Terms

College of Liberal Arts

SPAN 213 – Second-year Spanish (4)

Develops intermediate level proficiency through further development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish as guided by the national standards, known as the five Cs: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Context. Incorporates interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational elements. Taught in Spanish. This course may be subject to Enforced Prerequisites that restrict registration into the course. Check the offerings below for more information.

For more information, contact OSU Ecampus at 800-667-1465 (option 1) or

Continue to Registration.

TermCRNSecCrP/NInstructorTypeStatusCapAvailWL CapWL Avail
Sp25515564004StaffOnline Open28281010
Registration Restrictions
Enforced Prereqs: SPAN 212 [D-] or Placement Test Z213(1)
Class Notes: No-show-drop.
Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact department to request syllabus.
Sp25525184014StaffOnline Open28281010
Registration Restrictions
Enforced Prereqs: SPAN 212 [D-] or Placement Test Z213(1)
Class Notes: No-show-drop.
Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact department to request syllabus.
Sp25563254024StaffOnline Open28281010
Registration Restrictions
Enforced Prereqs: SPAN 212 [D-] or Placement Test Z213(1)
Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact department to request syllabus.
Find textbooks for SPAN 213 at the OSU Beaver Store (current term only). For questions related to course materials, contact the OSU Beaver Store.

= Signifies the course as a Baccalaureate Core Course.
= Signifies that fees may apply to the course.
+ = Include restriction.
- = Exclude restriction.
* = Prereq may be taken prior to or simultaneously with this course.