Ecampus Schedule of Classes - All Terms

Chem, Bio, Enviro Engineering Course Schedule

Click on course title(s) below to access course description, syllabi, and textbook information for your course(s). Contact OSU Ecampus at 800-667-1465 (option 1) or for assistance.

Note: The Ecampus schedule of classes includes available courses for the current term and up to three future terms. Class offerings are continually updated and may be added, removed, or rescheduled without notice. Check back frequently for current information.

CBEE 211 – Material Balances and Stoichiometry (3)

TermCRNSecCrP/NInstructorTypeStatusCapAvailWL CapWL Avail
W25346194003Lambert, A.Online Open41200
Registration Restrictions
Enforced Prereqs: MTH 252 [C] or MTH 252H [C]
Recommended: General chemistry and second-year standing in engineering
College Limitations: +16 (Engr)
Class Notes:

Textbooks  [ Textbooks]

Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact instructor to request syllabus. (Note: An ONID account is required to view OSU's online directory.)
Find textbooks for CBEE 211 at the OSU Beaver Store (current term only). For questions related to course materials, contact the OSU Beaver Store.

CBEE 212 – Energy Balances (3)

TermCRNSecCrP/NInstructorTypeStatusCapAvailWL CapWL Avail
Sp25546764003Lambert, A.Online Open363600
Registration Restrictions
Enforced Prereqs: (CBEE 211 [C] or CBEE 211H [C] ) and (MTH 256* [C] or MTH 256H* [C] )
Recommended: One year general chemistry and second-year standing in engineering
College Limitations: +16 (Engr)
Class Notes:

Textbooks  [ Textbooks]

Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact instructor to request syllabus. (Note: An ONID account is required to view OSU's online directory.)
Find textbooks for CBEE 212 at the OSU Beaver Store (current term only). For questions related to course materials, contact the OSU Beaver Store.

CBEE 213 – Process Data Analysis (4)

TermCRNSecCrP/NInstructorTypeStatusCapAvailWL CapWL Avail
Su25722644004StaffOnline Open303000
Registration Restrictions
Enforced Prereqs: CBEE 212* [C] or CBEE 212H* [C] or CBEE 280* [C]
College Limitations: +16 (Engr)
Class Notes: Jun 23-Sep 5Session 1
Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact department to request syllabus.
Session: Full TermSession 1 (Full Term)
Find textbooks for CBEE 213 at the OSU Beaver Store (current term only). For questions related to course materials, contact the OSU Beaver Store.

CBEE 280 – Material and Energy Balances (1-6)

This course is repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.

TermCRNSecCrP/NInstructorTypeStatusCapAvailWL CapWL Avail
Su25712774001-6StaffOnline Open494900
Registration Restrictions
Enforced Prereqs: MTH 256* [C] or MTH 256H* [C]
Class Notes: Jun 23-Sep 5Session 1Contact CBEE Advisors for approval.This course requires online proctored testing, which mayinclude testing fees and the use of security measures, suchas a scan of your testing environment. Please carefullyreview online proctor test information at: .
Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact department to request syllabus.
Session: Full TermSession 1 (Full Term)
Find textbooks for CBEE 280 at the OSU Beaver Store (current term only). For questions related to course materials, contact the OSU Beaver Store.

= Signifies the course as a Baccalaureate Core Course.
= Signifies that fees may apply to the course.
+ = Include restriction.
- = Exclude restriction.
* = Prereq may be taken prior to or simultaneously with this course.