Ask Ecampus
How do I drop/withdraw from a class?
For detailed information on how to drop or withdraw from a class, visit the Ecampus changing registration webpage.
During fall, winter and spring terms, you can drop a course online using Beaver Hub (under the "Resources" tab, then "Academic," then "Register/Add/Drop Classes") through Sunday of Week 1. After the first week of the term, you can withdraw from a course online using Beaver Hub through Friday of Week 7. OSU summer session dates are different. To find the exact dates for summer term, view the summer refund and reduction schedule. Course withdrawals result in a "W" grade on your transcript.
Requests to change your registration after the stated deadline require a petition form. Petitions are a request and there is no guarantee for approval. Visit the Office of the Registrar's late registration webpage for more details. Any change of registration after the stated deadlines will be assessed the $20 change-of-registration fee.
If you have additional questions, please contact Ecampus Student Services at
Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.