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4 essential tips for starting your degree online

Taniah Johnson pushes her child on a tire swing.

If you’re thinking about earning your degree online, you’re likely not afraid of a little multitasking. You’re juggling personal and professional life commitments already.

Some might call you too ambitious for wanting to take on more. We’d call you an Oregon State Ecampus student.

Whether you’re starting on a new educational journey or completing a degree you started a while ago, earning your degree online might be exactly what you need right now to accomplish your goals.

So how do you jump in? Here are a few tips:

1. Realize that you’re up to the challenge.

Maybe you’ve been feeling a bit stuck at work, or there’s a career you’ve always dreamed of. Perhaps you’re ready to go back to work after a break to take care of family at home, a life change or a military commitment.

OSU Ecampus students come from all walks of life, but they all have one thing in common. They are driven to make a change, no matter the challenges thrown their way. Meet our diverse community of students and alumni, and see what could be next for you.

2. Do your research.

3. Take your first steps toward enrollment.

4. Ask yourself, “What am I waiting for?”

Check out what OSU Ecampus graduates have to say about learning online. Then take the leap!

Deciding to pursue your degree online is a big commitment, but the outcome is an even bigger reward. At OSU Ecampus, we’ll be here to support you from day one through graduation and beyond. You’re ready to turn ambition into perseverance, and this is your starting line.

Your future is out there. Count us in.

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