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Text on image: How to build connections with faculty online

How to build connections with instructors in online classes

3 minute read Connections made during college can have profound and lasting effects on our lives. I would not have been able to anticipate how the professors I met online through Oregon State Ecampus would enrich not only my educational experience but also my development as a person. If I hadn’t reached out to build connections with instructors, I would have missed out on one of the greatest experiences of my life.

Text on image: Applying to grad school? 6 tips to get you started.

So, you want to go to graduate school? Start here

4 minute read If anyone asks me if they should go to graduate school, I mostly always say, “Yes! If you can, go to graduate school!” I am a huge champion of grad school — all education, to be honest. Once you decide graduate school is right for you, there will be many questions about what to do next. Here are a few steps to get you started.

An instructor stands behind a transparent white board and points to a series of math equations.

How to choose the best school for online degrees

5 minute read At Oregon State Ecampus, we’ve devoted 20+ years to infusing every online course with the level of quality you deserve. But what do we mean by “quality”? It’s an important question to ask (and answer), so here are five specific things to look for as you evaluate the quality of an institution’s online learning experience.

Mayra Radzinski smiles in a tomato "hoop house" wearing a yellow shirt with a denim jacket over the top.

A beginner’s guide to going back to school as an adult

8 minute read This stage-by-stage process guide to going back to school as an adult covers everything from choosing a subject area and degree type through enrolling in your first class. You’ll come back to this piece time and again for its helpful links, explanations and deadline reminders.

How to network as an online student

Simple ‘tricks’ on how to network online as an Ecampus student

3 minute read Networking online is simply engaging in genuine relationships. I was authentically interested in my professors and fellow students, and it was this sincere interest and profound respect that led to wonderful experiences as an Oregon State Ecampus student. Even though it took a little courage, I did a couple of things that made a world of difference in online networking for me.

The basics of online learning from an OSU Ecampus student

Online classes: The basics for beginners

3 minute read When I first started thinking about going to school online, I was completely clueless as to what I should expect. I felt pretty intimidated about online classes because I honestly had no idea how earning a degree from a distance worked. Even if I was anxious and a little embarrassed about my lack of online skills, I was determined to finish my degree.

An Ecampus student sits at a table wearing a bright pink shirt smiling at someone unseen across from her. She sits with a pencil in her hand over a notebook and a laptop open in front of her.

What is a microcredential? Here’s what you should know

5 minute read Microcredentials are a step toward shorter, more affordable offerings at Oregon State University for those who are not interested in earning a degree or completing a certificate. But with evolution often come questions, so let’s explore the basics and beyond.

‘Am I too old to go back to school?’ And other questions from adult learners

4 minute read Starting something new is always daunting, but returning to something you put down a long time ago can often be just as intimidating. Before you talk yourself out of going back to school because you feel too old to dust off your “learning cap,” let’s answer a few questions, including what programs are best for adult learners and what to expect when going back to school as an adult.

As an online learner, self-doubt is no match for your academic advisor

3 minute read The self-doubt that Ashley Hatleberg felt while pursuing a degree online with Oregon State put her in good company. Many students who learn online — particularly those who are returning to school after some time away — feel that same sense of doubt. But as is the case with countless other OSU Ecampus students, Hatleberg had her worries erased thanks to the expert guidance of her academic advisor.