Online Learning Efficacy Research Database







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Can virtual class room replace real class room? A case study.
Jha, S. K., Shahabadkar, P. K.
Virtual class room is a form of learning using electronic means, primarily e-mail and the internet, as computers have become more capable and less expensive. In virtual class … [more]
Virtual class room is a form of learning using electronic means, primarily e-mail and the internet, as computers have become more capable and less expensive. In virtual class room there is less direct teacher-to-student interaction than normally found in the real class room. In virtual class room teacher’s role is mainly that of facilitator, who motivate the students to accept more individual responsibility to manage time and complete tasks within the given time frame. Still, some students learn less in actual fact using this method via internet. Move ahead, they need explanation from the teacher as they may not be able to comprehend the given information. Therefore, this case study emphasize that virtual class room may not be able to replace real class room in the teaching and learning process. This case study investigates the validity of equivalency theory among 39 students by comparing two teaching and learning methods. Commonalities included same term, same lecturer, and identical assignments/tests in the same order, thus allowing a direct comparison of course outcomes. 
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2012, International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems, 2, 10-14.
  |   Mechanical Engineering  |   Traditional, Fully online  |   39 Undergraduate
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