Online Learning Efficacy Research Database







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Switching economics courses from online back to the classroom: Student performance and outcomes.
Vogel, R.
Online courses offer a number of obvious advantages to students in terms of scheduling and flexibility. Interactions between the instructor and student in an online course though tend … [more]
Online courses offer a number of obvious advantages to students in terms of scheduling and flexibility. Interactions between the instructor and student in an online course though tend to be more limited and strictly defined than they would be in the traditional classroom. Hybrid formats offer greater flexibility and variety for student-instructor interactions and learning exercises than the online format while still retaining some scheduling flexibility. This discussion assesses differences in student performance and outcomes across a sample of 7 sections of a Sports Economics course that over the last five academic years has been offered online, in the traditional classroom, and as a hybrid course. The analysis finds that students in an online course were likely to have scored 16 percent higher than students that took the same course in the traditional classroom. Students in the hybrid format were likely to have scored 4 percent lower than the students in the traditional classroom. 
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2011, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(22).
  |   Sports Economics  |   Traditional, Blended/hybrid, Fully online  |   179 Undergraduate
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