Online Learning Efficacy Research Database







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Effect of blended e-learning on pre-service teachers' achievement in mathematics: A case for sustainable teacher education.
Nwoke, B. I., Emenyonu, A. O., Ihekaire, U. R.
The study investigated the impact of blended e-learning on pre-service teachers’ achievement in Mathematics. The sample consists of 280 level I pre-service teachers in school of sciences of … [more]
The study investigated the impact of blended e-learning on pre-service teachers’ achievement in Mathematics. The sample consists of 280 level I pre-service teachers in school of sciences of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri. The quasi-experimental research design adopting the pre-test, post-test non-equivalent type was used in carrying out the study. A researcher made objective test questions titled “Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT)” was used for data collection. It had reliability coefficient of 0.83 determined using Kuder-Richardson (KR20) formula. The control group was taught mathematics using the traditional method while the experimental group was taught using blended e-learning method (traditional and e-learning). The data generated were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while ANCOVA was used to test hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed that blended e-learning is an effective method of teaching mathematics among pre-service teachers. Based on the result it was recommended that blended e-learning method should be applied in teaching Mathematics education of pre-service teachers. 
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2017, European Journal of Education Studies, 3(10), 572-582.
  |   Teacher Education  |   Traditional, Blended/hybrid  |   280 Undergraduate
Effectiveness of a blended e-learning cooperative approach in an Egyptian teacher education programme.
EL-Deghaidy, H., Nouby, A.
This paper describes the results and implications of a study into the effectiveness of a blended e-learning cooperative approach (BeLCA) on Pre-Service Teacher's (PST) achievement, attitudes towards e-learning … [more]
This paper describes the results and implications of a study into the effectiveness of a blended e-learning cooperative approach (BeLCA) on Pre-Service Teacher's (PST) achievement, attitudes towards e-learning and cooperativeness. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used with participants of the study. Twenty-six science PSTs, enrolled in an Egyptian university, represented the study's experiential and control groups. Pre and post-tools were administered to participants in the two groups in a quasiexperimental design. Instruments to measure dependent variables of the study were developed by the authors in light of relevant previous studies. The findings suggest that PSTs in the experimental group have higher achievement levels in their post-overall-course-test, “comprehensive-score”, and attitudes towards e-learning environments compared to those of the control group. The specific design of the course may be responsible for these changes. Future implications and suggestions for teacher educational programmes are presented. 
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2008, Computers & Education, 51(3), 988-1006.
  |   Teacher Education  |   Traditional, Blended/hybrid  |   26 Undergraduate
Online compared to face-to-face teacher preparation for learning standards-based planning skills.
Peterson, C. L., Bond, N.
This study compared preservice teachers’ learning of instructional planning in two pairs of asynchronous online and face-to-face (FTF) courses aligned with national standards for teacher preparation. The quasi-experimental … [more]
This study compared preservice teachers’ learning of instructional planning in two pairs of asynchronous online and face-to-face (FTF) courses aligned with national standards for teacher preparation. The quasi-experimental design was supported by interviews of a purposive sample of participants. Both groups made significant gains in learning to plan technology-supported, problem-based learning and in their willingness to implement innovative instruction. Post assessment results showed no significant differences between groups. Qualitative data analysis identified the advantage of FTF environments for learning instructional planning and for developing interpersonal skills for teaching. The data also suggest a FTF advantage for lower performing students that should be explored in future research. 
Full-texts of the citations in the database are protected by copyright. If you would like to read the full articles, please check your academic library. For more information, read the FAQ.
2004, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(4), 345-360.
  |   Teacher Education  |   Traditional, Fully online  |   89 Graduate
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