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Leadership & Innovation

Learn how Oregon State’s Division of Educational Ventures is pushing the boundaries of higher education to develop and deliver learning experiences that meet the needs of students and organizations around the world.

Melissa Whitney, an Oregon State University graduate and enrollment specialist, stands in a farm field at dusk holding a large lens camera.

3 reasons to earn a business and communications microcredential online

2 minute read The field of business and communications is rapidly evolving. And employers need people with the relevant and in-demand skills to meet organizational needs. Enter: microcredentials. In a few short courses, you can gain skills in business and communications and earn a digital badge to signify to employers your unique skills.

An Ecampus student sits at a table wearing a bright pink shirt smiling at someone unseen across from her. She sits with a pencil in her hand over a notebook and a laptop open in front of her.

What is a microcredential? Here’s what you should know

5 minute read Microcredentials are a step toward shorter, more affordable offerings at Oregon State University for those who are not interested in earning a degree or completing a certificate. But with evolution often come questions, so let’s explore the basics and beyond.

Scenic image of the black entrance sign to Oregon State University with trees in the background

10 research-based principles paint a picture of what good online teaching looks like

2 minute read Oregon State Ecampus developed Online Teaching Principles, a resource that helps paint a picture of what good online teaching looks like. These evidence-based principles point faculty to key resources for further reading and exploration, and, very importantly, they have been “road-tested” by experienced faculty who teach online to help promote buy-in.

Oregon State Ecampus Associate Provost Templeton elected to serve as UPCEA president

3 minute read Under the leadership of Lisa L. Templeton since 2008, Oregon State Ecampus has established itself as a national leader and innovator in the field of online education. Now the Ecampus associate provost is using her experience to impact institutions of higher education internationally in her new role as president of the board of directors of the University Professional and Continuing Education Association.

A woman sitting at a kitchen table looks at a laptop screen while writing in a notebook.

Corporate and workforce education combats the great resignation

3 minute read Oregon State Ecampus is founded on the belief that everyone who wants to learn should be able to do so. With a focus on high-quality online learning experiences and affordability, we create innovative pathways to success for anyone who wants to learn, especially working professionals. One of the ways we work toward this goal is through the Ecampus Corporate Education Unit’s collaborations with organizations looking to help their employees grow their professional repertoire.

Ecampus student Karen Baek sits at a laptop in an OSU building. She has a book and handwritten notes nearby.

Textbooks are way too expensive. Oregon State is saving students millions.

3 minute read College textbooks are way too expensive, and Oregon State — with its faculty leading the way — is on a mission to make college more affordable and accessible for students. With the support of the OSU Open Educational Resources Unit, an increasing number of OSU instructors are adopting, adapting and authoring no-cost and low-cost course materials.

Oregon State Ecampus liberal studies alumna Janine Romero stands on a balcony speaking to her husband, Lee. Janine is one of several Ecampus alumni who shared about the process of building a network and communication skills while earning an Oregon State degree online.

Perspectives, perceptions and privacy: Voices in higher education learner data

2 minute read Interdisciplinary research team organized by Oregon State Ecampus explores learning analytics from a systems perspective Feb. 9, 2022 Institutions of higher education are perpetually collecting data about their students and faculty. How that data is collected and analyzed varies widely, but one thing is certain according to industry experts at EDUCAUSE: The use of learning Perspectives, perceptions and privacy: Voices in higher education learner data

A photo of two people working at a desk and looking at a computer.

OER at Work: Ditching traditional textbooks for a true ‘companion’ to learning

2 minute read Cut down on chapter length. Get rid of drawn-out, technical explanations. Connect the text directly to the coursework. Oh, and make it free to every student who needs it. Those were a few of the goals Lara Letaw established when she set out to write a textbook on software engineering.

When does online class size matter? Read the study

2 minute read The Oregon State Ecampus Research Unit recently conducted a study on a rarely researched topic in online education: class size. What the researchers found is that students’ grades were higher in certain online classes that had lower enrollment, and that it may be beneficial to limit particular kinds of courses to 30 students or fewer.

A closeup of someone sitting at an open laptop with a phone in their hand

OER at Work: A book on keeping information private that’s available for all to read

3 minute read In the introduction to the textbook she authored on digital security, Oregon State University associate professor Glencora Borradaile writes in part that they want the book “to be accessible to any curious person.” This means that the information within can ideally be understood even by those without a background in cryptography. But the desire for it to be “accessible” is twofold.