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Study, work, play

March 31, 2015  ·  < 1  ·  By Tyler Hansen

Summer’s flexible schedule means you can do it all

Life is full of tough decisions. College students know this all too well.

French fries or tater tots? T-shirt or tank top? Netflix or a nap?

Two students doing cartwheels in the grass

All kidding aside, summer term at Oregon State doesn’t make you choose between two things that will benefit you. Our flexible schedule enables you to complete your degree requirements and also work a job or an internship.

OSU’s summer classes last anywhere from one week to 11 weeks, and you can start in June, July or August. The flexibility of the summer calendar makes it possible to do just about anything:

Need to take a class that ends in the middle of July so you can go home and work for a couple months? Not a problem.

Looking for an evening course so you can work your morning shift to help cover rent costs? There are plenty to choose from.

Taking a study break until August when you plan to enroll in a three-week bacc core class? We’ve got that covered, too.

No matter what your unique student situation calls for, OSU summer classes can accommodate anything. It’s the best of all worlds.

Registration opens April 10, so start planning your summer on campus today.

Categories: Archives

Tyler Hansen

Tyler Hansen is a writer for Oregon State University Ecampus. He primarily writes feature stories on the Oregon State students and faculty who learn and teach online, news stories and articles that provide readers with the information they need to continue their educational journeys. Prior to starting at Oregon State in 2011, he worked as a sports writer, journalism teacher and arts and entertainment editor.

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