What is a course sequence?
Oregon State’s course sequences – often called course series – allow you to complete multiple courses without committing to a full degree or certificate program. Credits earned can be transferred to other institutions.
Who can enroll?
Course sequences are available to nondegree-seeking students who need to fulfill prerequisites for their academic programs, want to transfer credit to a different institution or are looking for personal enrichment.
How to apply
You can apply to Oregon State as a nondegree student to enroll in a course sequence. Find more details about applying to Oregon State as a nondegree student.
Receive support from start to finish
As a nondegree-seeking student enrolled in a course sequence, you’ll have access to the same support resources as all other Oregon State students. The OSU Ecampus student services team is here to support you, and you can tap into resources like free online tutoring, OSU’s Disability Access Services, OSU Libraries and Canvas support.
How does a quarter term compare to a semester term?
Oregon State defines a term (also referred to as a "quarter") as one-third of the academic year, not counting summer. Terms at OSU are divided into fall, winter and spring terms and consist of 10 weeks each, with an additional week for final exams. Use our conversion tool to see how OSU's quarter term credits may transfer to a semester institution.
Explore microcredentials
Oregon State delivers a variety of in-demand microcredentials online. Microcredentials are high-quality educational opportunities that can help advance your career with less time and financial commitment than a formalized degree or certificate program. A variety of course sequences are also delivered as microcredentials, so explore our vast collection of microcredentials.
If you’d like to learn more about Oregon State online course sequences, please contact our enrollment services team. We’re eager to help you gather information and keep moving forward on your academic journey.
Academic calendar
See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.