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Expanded Options Program - Student & Parent Information
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IMPORTANT: The school's contact person and student will work together on the admissions and registration processes.
Public high school 11th and 12th grade students who are identified by their schools as Expanded Options Program (XOP) students may take Oregon State University courses that are paid for by their school. To be identified, a student must apply to their school and meet eligibility standards set out by law. Read our eligible students section for more information.
Additionally, before the school may admit and register students for Oregon State classes, an agreement between the school district and OSU must be signed.
All admission and registration is done online via the OSU website by the school's XOP contact person.
XOP students work with their school contact person to identify appropriate classes and register for those classes. Note that only the school may admit and register XOP students.
Oregon State's academic calendar lists all key dates for each term, but does not include all dates specific to XOP.
An XOP student may take up to 8 credits per term at Oregon State. You can browse our schedule of classes for college-credit courses for high school students. (Please note: XOP students are unable to register for summer term courses.) The OSU Baccalaureate Core courses include classes that meet the basic requirements of most courses of study. Many courses fill up shortly after registration begins.
Students should review the "Restrictions" for any class they sign up for. Classes can have course prerequisites or class standing requirements. Most importantly, students should check with their school contact person or school counselor to determine whether or not a specific course meets school and university requirements.
Most university courses require one or more textbooks. Students can find the required and optional textbooks for a class using the OSU Bookstore's online textbook system. Use this system to get a list of needed textbooks but do not order books unless directed to do so by the school. Most schools have textbook ordering agreements with the OSU Bookstore or some other textbook store. Students need to check with their high school Expanded Options contact person to determine the method the school uses to purchase textbooks for this program.
Grade transcripts
Grades are available one week after the end of Finals Week. OSU does not mail grades to students. They can be found on the students' transcripts through Beaver Hub. Additional information can be found at the Office of the Registrar.
Student support
Support is available for students struggling with a class. The first level of support is the course instructor. Instructors can be contacted at class, during their office hours, or through email. The Ecampus student success coaches are also available to provide support. If the class is an online course then additional help is available at the Ecampus student success website.
All students attending OSU on-campus must meet immunization requirements before the end of their first term. Students will be blocked from registering for future terms if they have not met these requirements. Contact the Student Health Services Immunization office at 541-737-7573 (or 541-737-7547) for questions.
If additional help is needed, the student can ask their school's XOP contact person to work with Oregon State to resolve the problem. Most problems can be solved, but it is very important to use this support system as soon as a problem occurs.
Transportation is the responsibility of the student, unless their school offers transportation. The OSU Beaver Bus and the Corvallis Transit System buses are available free to students with OSU ID cards.
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.