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Expanded Options Program - School & District Information
Overview | Eligible Students | Student & Parent Information | School & District Information | Tuition & Fees |
IMPORTANT: The school’s contact person and student will work together on the admissions and registration processes.
School districts that wish to send students to Oregon State University as part of the Expanded Options Program (XOP) must complete an agreement and a billing application with OSU prior to admitting students.. A draft agreement and billing applicationare available for review online.
Contact the OSU XOP contact person to have an official signed agreement and a billing application sent to the district.
Student Waivers
OSU's privacy policies require schools to obtain signed student waivers prior to admitting and registering high school students. Please have each student complete a waiver and return the forms to the OSU XOP contact person listed in the document.
All admission and registration is done online on the OSU website by the student and school district's contact person.
The school will be given a special code needed to admit students to OSU's Expanded Options Program. A one-time admission fee will be charged for each admitted student. The school will need to retain the student-identifying information returned by the admissions process to help register students, track financial charges and monitor student progress.
Once admitted, the school's XOP contact person will work with the student to identify appropriate classes and register for them. Students may register for up to 8 credits per term of regular and/or online classes.
The OSU Academic Calendar lists important admissions and registration deadlines but does not include all dates specific to XOP, as XOP's admissions and registration dates are unique.
Immediately after registration the school will send OSU a list of its admitted Expanded Options students and their schedules. OSU will confirm that information with the district, and both institutions will work together to resolve any errors. Note that OSU reserves the right to not accept an Expanded Options student.
The Tuition & Fees webpage lists one-time fees such as admissions and ID cards in addition to regular tuition costs.
Expanded Options students may take up to 8 credits per term at OSU. The OSU Schedule of Classes lists all available courses. The Baccalaureate Core Courses include classes that meet the basic requirements of most courses of study. Many courses fill up shortly after registration begins. The List of Recommended Courses names classes that typically have seats available. Classes can have course prerequisites or class standing requirements. These can be checked in the "Restrictions" column in the class listing. Most importantly, students should check with their school to determine whether or not a specific course meets school and university requirements!
Progress Reports, completed by the course instructor, can be requested around the middle of the term. At your request, the students take the XOP Progress Report form to their instructor and return the completed form to you.
Students may add or drop classes during the first ten days of the term. Find more information about changing your course registration status.
Students can find the required and optional textbooks for a class using the OSU Bookstore's online textbook system. Use this system to order online or just get a list of needed textbooks. The school may set up an arrangement with the OSU Bookstore to allow students to order books and invoice the school. The contact at the Bookstore is Justin Shafer at (541) 737-0033.
Grade transcripts
Grades are available one week after the end of Finals Week. The OSU XOP Contact Person will send grade transcripts to school contact people to distribute to their students. Additionally, students may access grades and transcripts through OSU Student Online Services. Additional information can be found at the Office of the Registrar.
Student support
Support is available for students struggling with a class. The first level of support is the course instructor. Instructors can be contacted at class, during their office hours, or through email. The Ecampus student success coaches are also available to provide support. If the class is an online course then additional help is available at the Ecampus Student Success site.
All students attending OSU on-campus must meet immunization requirements before the end of their first term. Students will be blocked from registering for future terms if they have not met these requirements. Contact the Student Health Services Immunization office at 541-737-7573 (or 541-737-7547) for questions.
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.