Instructional Design – Online Graduate Microcredential

Learn to design engaging courses for adult learners

Teaching adult learners means you’ll need to create content that adapts to varied learning styles, holds learner attention and doesn’t compromise on quality. Whether you’ve been teaching for decades or are just beginning your career in education, Oregon State University’s online graduate microcredential in instructional design will lay the foundation for you to teach adults through innovative techniques and effective experimentation.

Earning this instructional design microcredential online gives you opportunities to immerse yourself in course development, accessible learning and adult education, leveraging both theoretical and practical pedagogical approaches. This three-course offering will help you gain the skills you need to lead learners through instructional design.


Required courses (12 credits)


The in-demand skills you’ll develop as a student in this instructional design microcredential will give you what you need to stand out and level up in your career.

  • Adult education
  • Principles of adult learning
  • Equity and social justice

Start working toward a degree

Once you complete a microcredential in instructional design, you can apply the 12 credits you earn directly toward Oregon State’s online graduate certificate in instructional design and/or Oregon State's online Master's in Adult and Higher Education

If you plan to apply these credits toward either program, we encourage you to first contact the program to learn about the requirements. Please note that acceptance into a microcredential does not guarantee acceptance into a graduate certificate or degree program.
