Crop and soil science

Online You can complete all or nearly all requirements of this program online.*
$366 Based on current tuition rates. No additional charge for nonresident students. Does not include course materials and associated fees and expenses.
per credit
start terms/year

Healthy soil is the foundation for all life on Earth. We rely on it for the sustainability of our food systems, clean drinking water and overall biodiversity. Yet today, soil has also become one of our most vulnerable resources, in need of protection from widespread degradation, erosion and desertification.

When you earn a bachelor’s degree in crop and soil science online from Oregon State University, you’ll develop the knowledge to improve the future of farming and the natural resource systems where you live. This hands-on program will teach you how to yield crops that provide better nutrition with fewer chemical inputs, and you’ll gain an understanding of how to develop resilient agricultural ecosystems in the face of climate change.

Skills you’ll gain in OSU’s online crop and soil science degree program

As a student in Oregon State’s online crop and soil science degree program, you’ll gain the in-demand skills you need to stand out in the job market and level up your career. You’ll learn from expert Oregon State faculty who have real-world experience in the field.

  • Crop production
  • Soil morphology and classification
  • Weed management
  • Seed science and technology
  • Plant pathology
  • Insect pest management
  • Irrigation principles and practices
  • Plant ecology

Program details

Crop and soil science is integral to the advancement of food and fiber production now and in the future, and the online courses you take in this program will help you learn to solve real-world, sustainable living problems in urban, agricultural, forest, rangeland and other natural systems.

The online crop and soil science program is offered by Oregon State’s College of Agricultural Sciences.

Degree requirements

A minimum of 180 quarter credits — at least 60 of which must be upper-division credits — are required to graduate with your degree in crop and soil science, including:

Person in blue gloves squats while writing on a clipboard in a field with soil samples and tools nearby

Additional program features

When you pursue your crop and soil science degree online, you’ll work with your academic advisor to choose from options that allow you to focus your studies in an area of particular interest to you.


All students in the crop and soil science program are required to complete a 3-credit internship or research project as a form of experiential learning. Your academic advisor will provide more details once you are admitted and enroll in courses.

Some degree requirements may be transferred from other institutions. Please note that a minimum of 45 credits of the last 75 credits in this degree program must be completed at Oregon State (online or on campus) to meet the academic residency requirement.

Previously earned credits must be reviewed upon admittance to OSU for appropriate articulation. Additional information about transferring credits is available through OSU’s Transfer Credit Central.

As an undergraduate degree-seeking student, you can apply to earn an honors degree online in your academic major. Earning this prestigious degree gives you the opportunity to collaborate with faculty on research, complete a comprehensive thesis experience and engage in co-curricular activities.

You can gain highly specialized skills that are in demand by employers — and do it with less of a time and financial commitment — when you earn a certificate or microcredential online with Oregon State. Choose from a large collection of short-form offerings that can help you upskill quickly.

Crop and soil science careers

The knowledge you acquire in Oregon State’s online crop and soil science degree program will help you fill in-demand jobs in the global marketplace. As a leader in this area, you’ll enter the workforce ready to provide insights in economic sectors that need agronomists and sustainable food production experts.

Job market outlook

Use the interactive tool on this page to discover employment trends, top occupations and salary details for professionals who have skills related to crop and soil science. Please be aware that completing a program related to the job market information shown here does not guarantee employment or a specific salary.