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Faculty Profiles
Kathryn Higley
Academic Advisor and Instructor
Radiation Health Physics Graduate Degrees
How long have you taught online?
About four years.
What subjects have you taught?
Radiation Health Physics classes at the graduate level, including Radioecology, Applied Radiation Safety, Radiation Biology and others.
What made you become interested in offering your classes through Ecampus?
We felt there was a need to provide a graduate degree option to students that are placebound for a variety of reasons.
What would you tell a student who was interested in taking your courses?
We strive to make our online classes as close as possible to the on-campus experience. Ecampus students participate in the same classes as on-campus students, often times working with them on group projects. We do also offer three classes as condensed, one-week onsite (during the summer) courses for radiochemistry, instrumentation and dosimetry. Students need to take these classes to complete their degree, or arrange to take a suitable alternative at another location.
How do you incorporate interaction and discussion in your online classes?
Through discussion boards in Blackboard, or through emailsĀ and phone calls.
What do you see as the advantages of taking classes online?
If students cannot, for whatever reason, be in the classroom, he or she can still obtain a good graduate education. We accommodate work commitments to the best of our ability.
What do you enjoy about advising students?
Helping them get a good education in Radiation Health Physics.
What has been the biggest surprise to you about online learning?
The passion and the commitment of the distance students, as well as their level of professionalism and focus.
What's one thing about yourself you'd like distance students to know?
I'm trainable. I really want the students to learn, and if there is a better way to do something, I would like to hear about it. My goal is to continue to improve this program.
Get more info about our online graduate degrees in Radiation Health Physics.
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Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.