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Faculty Profiles
Jean Moule
Program Leader and Instructor
Master of Arts in Teaching Elementary Education Immersion Program
How long have taught online?
Eight years.
What subjects have you taught?
Courses preparing teachers for working with a diverse student population: Mutlicultural Issues in Education, Classroom Management, Integration of the Disciplines for a Diverse Teaching Population, among others.
What made you become interested in offering your classes through Ecampus?
I facilitate a program that places students in distance locations. Ecampus is a good match and the Web portions of our courses help keep us connected.
What would you tell a student who was interested in taking your courses?
You get out of education what you put into it. Taking advantage of not only the required resources, but also many of the suggested ones will enhance your education and your depth of understanding. Scheduling time to work on Web courses is key, as they can get away from you.
How do you incorporate interaction and discussion in your online classes?
The discussion board is key to my courses. I set up detailed boards for each discussion activity and count those interactions as a large part of the coursework. It is certainly the most interesting part of the courses I teach.
What do you see as the advantages of taking classes online?
The ability to schedule course time conveniently. Sometimes online courses allow for a deeper level of self-reflection as well.
What do you enjoy about instructing future teachers?
Their energy, enthusiasm, and committment to touch the future and make a difference.
What has been the biggest surprise to you about online learning?
Just how deep the discussion may go. Also, I am usually surprised that students "take care of each other" in many ways. For instance, I may read a post and think about an answer. If I just wait a day or two, a student will respond very well, and of course, that is much better than instructor input! I like to be a "guide on the side" not a "sage on the stage" and the online environment is perfect for that.
What's one thing about yourself you'd like distance students to know?
That I am silently rooting them on even when I do not actively enter a discussion! Also, that I love teaching a web course with my daughter who is 3000 miles away. How wonderful is that?
Get more info about the MAT in Elementary Education.
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Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.