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Faculty Profiles
Greg Thompson
Department Head
and Professor
General Agriculture
What do you see as the advantages of taking classes online?
The opportunity for students to take courses anywhere at anytime is a distinct advantage in taking online coursework and earning a degree. The flexibility of online learning is valuable, because it allows students to move toward earning a degree at a pace that fits their life. Each student has their own story and their own educational goals. The distance degree assists students in reaching those goals.
Why do you feel it is important to support online learning by providing a General Agriculture bachelor's degree online?
In 2003, the agriculture industry employed approximately 44 percent of the world's population. The General Agriculture degree is a versatile degree that offers opportunities for employment and career advancement in a dynamic industry. Online learning opens doors and provides options for different types of learners.
What makes the Ecampus online General Agriculture degree unique?
The General Agriculture program is the first distance baccalaureate Agricultural Science degree program in the country. The General Agriculture degree offers flexibility and the opportunity for the student to custom-build a degree that revolves around their interests in agriculture.
What has been the biggest surprise to you about online learning?
Research shows that that distance students perform just as well or better than classroom students. Online learning offers a unique opportunity for students to learn and grow. It is surprising to see the broad-based background and interests of our distance students.
What's one thing about yourself you'd like distance students to know?
I am committed to helping students succeed and earn their degree. At the same time, I want students to be satisfied with the education they received from the General Agriculture degree. I have been an educator since 1976 and enjoy helping people make positive improvements in their lives.
Get more info about our online General Agriculture degree.
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Academic calendar
See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.