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2008 Ecampus Graduates
Tammy Bender - Building Confidence
B.S. Liberal Studies
Ventura, CA
What does completing your degree mean to you? How do you feel it will improve your life and career?
Completing my degree is a huge accomplishment. I began over 21 years ago fresh out of high school. Then life happened: I served my country, raised my children and became a role model for them, as well as my subordinates and peers. This accomplishment recognizes the sacrifices not only of me, but those of my family - missed family outings so I could study, late nights I stayed up well into the early morning trying to get work, school assignments and laundry done. I will be the first in my family to graduate with a bachelor's degree and only wish my grandfather were alive to see it.
Educating ourselves is the best gift we can give and receive. Completing this segment of the quest for knowledge has built confidence within myself and serves as a reminder that anything is possible if one is willing to commit to the goal. I anticipate many more doors being opened as I close others.
Why did you choose to complete your degree online through OSU Extended Campus? What did you like about this method of education?
After reviewing Peterson's, a distance and online learning resource, I chose 20 schools to do more research on. I narrowed it down to six and sent letters to each. One school replied with a “Dear Student” letter and then I received the letter from OSU. It was so personal I just knew OSU was where I was supposed to be. I knew I would not be treated as another student to bring in money to the university. I knew I would be looked as a person trying to educate herself by a school that was willing to help me reach my goals.
Online learning allowed me an opportunity to earn credits regardless of my military assignments. I had been to so many colleges over the years that I needed something consistent. So whether in Europe, Korea or California, I was able to log on and complete my assignments.
Did you have an instructor or advisor who was influential in helping you succeed as a distance student?
Louis Bottaro deserves a medal for putting up with my numerous emails, especially this last year. I have asked, verified and re-verified that I had enough credits to graduate. He was always patient and helpful, and for that I am very grateful.
What will your Ecampus degree allow you to do that you were unable to do before?
I am looking forward to celebrating life with my children and family. For the last six years, I have taken a class or two, or five, just trying to reach this point. In addition, I can now begin to look toward a master’s degree.
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