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Oregon State Ecampus – 2014 Graduation Reception
Record-setting class goes out in style at annual event

Watch a brief recap of the reception Oregon State Ecampus held in honor of the graduating class of 2014.
Earning a degree from place as special as Oregon State University is cause for celebration. Throw in the fact that the class of 2014 was the largest in history for OSU Ecampus, and, well, the festivities become even better.
On the morning of Saturday, June 14, Ecampus hosted a reception to honor the achievements and dedication of 508 distance students who earned their degree online from Oregon State. A total of 75 graduates and their families and friends traveled from all over the United States – some from as far away as Connecticut and Hawaii – to take part in the celebration.
Many of the new alumni were making their first visit to the Corvallis campus, and the reception gave them the opportunity to chat and take photos with their classmates, instructors and advisors.
All told, the Ecampus class of 2014 featured students from 42 states and seven countries, including England, Puerto Rico, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. View a complete list of this year's Ecampus graduates, and take a look at a photo slideshow for highlights from the Ecampus reception.
Ecampus graduation archive and graduates' stories
Browse our year-by-year archive of graduation coverage, complete with video recaps of the Ecampus reception, news stories and lists of all graduates. And make sure you check out our catalog of articles and video profiles on Ecampus alumni.
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