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Julie Cooper

Fisheries and wildlife sciences alumna Erin Mathias is pictured standing to the left of a rhinoceros at the Oregon Zoo. Erin is smiling and resting one hand on the rhino's snout. She wears a gray and orange Oregon State zip-up jacket.

The first in a legacy of many

3 minute read The past does not dictate the possibilities for one’s future. Erin Mathias knows this firsthand. She enrolled online in the Ecampus fisheries and wildlife sciences program to pursue her dream career, becoming the role model she needed when she was younger and serving as inspiration to her siblings and African American girls who want to enter STEM fields.

Two Oregon State faculty are seated in the distance with tall lights and a camera on a tripod in the foreground.

Exploring the world of teaching online

2 minute read Through Ecampus, instructors provide learners across the globe with access to the high-quality courses and programs they’ve come to expect from the nationally renowned online education program. Learn what Oregon State faculty and Ecampus staff recommend to first-time online instructors who are ready to begin their collaboration with Ecampus.

Ecampus anthropology alumna Rachel Hensley poses on a balcony with her two children and a black dog that she holds on a leash.

Moving up – and lifting up others along the way

2 minute read After she dropped out of high school to meet the demands of parenthood, Rachel Hensley’s passions for community and cultural engagement led her to rediscover her educational path through Oregon State University Ecampus’ anthropology program. After an Oregon State faculty-led study abroad trip to Guatemala, Rachel’s set her sights on pursuing a law degree that will allow her to work toward international human rights.

Person at computer while on a teleconference

Investing in the future of online education

3 minute read Who better to help make recommendations about online education than students actually enrolled in the programs? Oregon State’s resounding answer: no one. With their eyes on the emergent future of online learning, Ecampus faculty and students are leaving their mark as members of the Oregon State University Online Education Committee.

Eric Broadfoot sits on a wooden bench with his wife, Courtney, and on his lap facing him sits his son, Jack.

It’s time to take control of your future. Just like Eric Broadfoot did.

3 minute read “I decided to go back to school to earn my degree because my wife, Courtney, and I got married and we were having a child, and I wanted to move up in the company I was working for,” says economics alum Eric Broadfoot. “Given all of those aspects, I knew it was very important to finish my education.”

Kriya Sadhana, an Ecampus student in women, gender and sexuality studies, speaks with a student in the same program on campus.

Hard conversations make Beavers stronger

4 minute read Initiating a difficult conversation in the workplace takes boldness and skill. And Kriya Sadhana has been doing it for years. While earning a degree online in women, gender and sexuality studies, Kriya co-founded Trans Affirming Spaces, a training program that seeks to foster a respectful and inclusive work environment for transgender employees.