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Elena Moffet

Elena Moffet is a writer for Oregon State University Ecampus. She enjoys writing stories that help people imagine better possibilities for themselves, their communities and the world at large.
John Dusek in a graduation cap and gown with his wife and daughter presenting his dual degrees to him.

Making a difference through horticulture

4 minute read John Dusek loves his work and small town Michigan community, but he began to feel like something was missing. “I don’t know if it was a midlife crisis or what,” he says. “But I came to a point where I realized that there was much more potential in horticulture than just producing pretty things for people to look at. So I decided to go back to school.”

Two people talking over a laptop computer

Advancing meaningful learning in the age of AI

4 minute read Oregon State Ecampus revisited Bloom’s Taxonomy to help educators navigate the increasing prevalence of AI tools. The Ecampus team synthesized their findings into a new version of Bloom’s, offered under a Creative Commons license, to give faculty concrete guidance on where they might want to review and amend their course design.

A person kneeling in a black vest with yellow roses behind them.

Finding yourself while finishing your degree online

3 minute read Growing up as a member of the LGBTQI+ community, Michelle Harris understood the power of organizing from an early age. She credits these early experiences with helping to shape her advocacy and as one pillar in her eventual decision to pursue a degree in women, gender and sexuality studies online with Oregon State.

Liberating course materials from the textbook industry

3 minute read Whether you’re struggling to find a suitable textbook for your course or want to remove learning barriers for your students, there has never been a better time to explore the world of open educational resources. Oregon State associate professor John Lambrinos shares why and relates his experience.

Samantha Diaz, and Oregon State Ecampus graduate

What’s the Oregon State online student experience really like?

4 minute read Learn what makes Oregon State’s online student experience stand out from the rest   These days, almost every university offers online degrees. When you can attend nearly any school, from anywhere, it can be difficult to know how to choose the best option for you.  One thing you definitely want to consider? The online student What’s the Oregon State online student experience really like?

Jose Torres

The power of bringing honors online

5 minute read In the winter of 2023, Jose Torres became the first Oregon State University student to complete an honors degree online. Ask him how he got here, and his story might surprise you. “Nobody in my family’s ever gone to college or university, so it wasn’t even in my mind. We’re all working class people, and so that was my thing,” he says.

Act now: Ways to make learning more affordable for Oregon State students

3 minute read Oregon State University faculty, administrators and staff recently attended a new event called the Think Affordable Summit. The event, held in Corvallis and online, included a panel discussion centered on how to make college more affordable in Oregon — hosted by Provost Edward Feser and featuring Ben Cannon, executive director of the Oregon Higher Education Act now: Ways to make learning more affordable for Oregon State students

Making the connections you need as an online student

3 minute read By Elena Moffet When it comes to earning a degree online, an initial concern we often hear from prospective students is whether the experience will be isolating or lonely. They wonder if they need to attend in person to build friendships or engage meaningfully with their instructors. But that just isn’t the case. Time and Making the connections you need as an online student

Oregon State surveys students, collects local data to advocate for zero-cost textbooks

3 minute read The results from a 2018 Florida survey found that 64%-66% of students often don’t buy the required textbook for a course. These numbers didn’t surprise Stefanie Buck, director of Oregon State’s Open Educational Resources Unit. But they didn’t satisfy her either. Buck wanted to get a better understanding of how textbook costs affect Oregon State students specifically. To find out, she ran a modified version of the Florida survey at OSU. The results offered four key takeaways.