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Tips for Online Learning

The Valley Library on Oregon State University's Corvallis Campus is home to Oregon State Ecampus, a leader in online learning. Ask Ecampus

Answers to your top online learning questions

3 minute read If one future Oregon State student has a question about the online learning experience, odds are that several hundred other people asked the same question previously. That’s where the Ask Ecampus knowledge base comes in handy. Read some of the top 10 questions.

A woman sits on a bench outside and works on a smart tablet, completing an online application.

When is the best time to submit your application?

3 minute read It’s never too late to continue your educational journey and earn your degree online. At Oregon State Ecampus, we’ve had students graduate at age 24, age 74 and every age in between. Time is on your side, and as you consider applying to learn online with OSU, we want to offer you some sage advice so it remains that way.

Aerial image of Austin Hall on the Oregon State University campus

Want to transfer to an Oregon State online business program? Start here

3 minute read Oregon State’s renowned College of Business supports prospective students interested in transferring to OSU business programs that are delivered online by OSU Ecampus. The COB’s Career Success Center “provides a one-stop shop” where future Oregon State students can ask questions and find support in navigating the admissions process.

Building relationships with classmates was key to success for OSU Ecampus alumnus

3 minute read Vaughan Schmidt gained many things in his time as a post-bacc student: experience in new platforms, project management knowledge and teamwork skills, just to name a few. The most valuable takeaway from his degree, though? The relationships he established with classmates and instructors.

A student sits at a table while working on his laptop, a typical online learning environment

The top 5 questions people ask about online learning

3 minute read At OSU Ecampus, we don’t pretend to have all the answers, but we have things pretty well covered. We field countless questions from prospective students all over the world, and the Ask Ecampus knowledge base contains answers to hundreds of common inquiries regarding Ecampus services and programs. See the five questions that people search the most.

Screenshot of a woman in a video on how to declare an undergraduate certificate at Oregon State University

How to declare an undergraduate certificate online at Oregon State

< 1 minute read Watch this video for a step-by-step guide on how to apply for an undergraduate certificate online with Oregon State University Ecampus. Earning an OSU undergraduate certificate online will enhance your résumé and improve your student experience at the same time.


Four tips for enrolling online with Oregon State Ecampus

3 minute read We know that going back to school is a big commitment, both in time and energy, so we’ve compiled some helpful tips you can navigate through as you take the next step toward enrolling online with us at Oregon State Ecampus.

Oregon State Ecampus liberal studies alumna Janine Romero stands on a balcony speaking to her husband, Lee. Janine is one of several Ecampus alumni who shared about the process of building a network and communication skills while earning an Oregon State degree online.

Despite distance, online learners build lasting connections

2 minute read Oregon State University’s online learners do what many say can’t be done: form genuine connections in the digital classroom. Ecampus alumni from the Class of 2018 shared how their interactions with peers and instructors went far beyond the computer screen, providing the opportunity to polish their communication skills and collaborate with others in their fields.