Change your life — then, the world
If you want to create positive change in your community, the social sciences are a great place to start. You’ll work with expert faculty to explore what makes us human and gain a better understanding of the cultural and socioeconomic systems that impact our collective lives.
Explore online degrees, certificates and microcredentials below and learn how Oregon State can support you on a path to a rewarding career.
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Browse online social sciences programs
27 programs in social sciences available
Undergraduate degrees (11)

B.A. or B.S.
Study the sciences and humanities and sharpen your critical thinking. You’ll learn to apply cutting-edge theory and methods to solve pressing social problems in a wide range of careers.
Cultural resource managementResearch design and data analysisForensic analysisCritical thinkingComplex social systems problem solvingAI and IT interface
ArchaeologistCultural resource managerEducatorEthnographerCultural anthropologistMuseum curatorUser experience researcherHuman resource coordinator

B.A. or B.S.
Become a skilled analyst of data, marketing trends and human behavior, so you can help businesses and governments make more informed decisions and influence economic policy for the betterment of all.
Economic policy analysisCost-benefit analysisEconomic modelingMicroeconomicsData analysisMacroeconomicsQuantitative methods
Financial analystEconomistBusiness analystData analystMarket research analystEconomic consultantActuary

Environmental Economics and Policy
Develop a strong economic skill set – supplemented by education in biological, physical or social sciences – as you prepare for a multifaceted career in environmental analysis.
Applied economicsNatural resource economics and policyMeasuring resource and environmental impactsMicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsEnvironmental lawBenefit-cost analysis
Environmental economistLand use plannerData analystResearch analyst for environmental nonprofitEnvironmental policy specialistCompliance analystPre-law

Liberal Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Customize your liberal studies major to meet your unique academic goals. Work with an advisor to develop a cohesive program of study that will foster critical skills for your career.
WritingCritical thinkingCommunicationPlanningOrganizationSelf-reflectionÂ
Non-profit managers/coordinatorsEvent plannerTravel journalistLaw enforcementPre-law

Marine Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Navigate social, political and cultural issues of marine systems through the lens of the humanities, arts and sciences — with a focus on sustainability.
Marine ecologyCritical thinkingCultural resource managementScientific reasoningCommunicationMarine environmental justiceEthical reasoning
Marine policy analystCoastal communication specialistMarine entrepreneurConservation outreach coordinatorCommunity education specialistAquarium outreach coordinator

Political Science
B.A. or B.S.
Investigate the theory and practice of politics and government at a local, national and global level, so you can better understand today’s rapidly evolving political climate and help shape society's future.
Constitutional lawGender and lawPolitical analysisRural policiesMedia analysisGlobal food politics and policyData interpretation
Political analystLegislative directorCampaign managerJournalistGeopolitical analystGovernment affairs specialistIntelligence analyst

B.A. or B.S.
Analyze the scientific and humanistic perspectives of psychology, and come to appreciate human diversity in identifying, understanding and solving complex problems in others’ lives.
Brain behaviorHuman lifespan developmentSocial psychologyPsychological researchAbnormal psychologyCognitive psychologyEthical reasoning
Human and social serviceMarket researchLaw enforcementEducation and trainingSocial justiceHuman resourcesCriminal justice

Public Policy
View the world through multiple lenses thanks to courses in economics, political science, sociology and specialization topics that will empower you to develop workable solutions for emerging issues.
State and local politicsGovernmental problem-solvingPublic administrationEthical reasoningPolicy researchPublic economicsPolicy analysis
Community organizerFederal program specialistLegislative aideLobbyistStrategic plannerPublic interest paralegal

B.A. or B.S.
Study society and human behavior through an exploration of topics such as social inequality, crime and justice, social services and natural resources, equipping you to make an impact on your community.
Evidence evaluationResearch proposal creationQuantitative data analysisQualitative data collectionPresentation developmentReport writing
Social service workerMarketing consultantPublic policy researcherTeacherUser experience specialistPublic relations coordinator

Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership
Learn how to facilitate outdoor experiences that respect and protect natural resources and cultural heritage. Gain real-world skills from a program focused on sustainability, justice and equity.
Land use planningNatural resource managementEnvironmental interpretationProgram managementSustainabilityAccessibility in outdoor recreationPublic lands policy
Outdoor educatorEcotourism managerNaturalistPark rangerNatural resource plannerRecreation managerOutdoor adventure guide

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Acquire extensive knowledge in social sciences and humanities that focuses on gender issues and women’s experiences. Examine feminist and anti-racist work that contributes to social justice.
Gender and scienceWomen of colorFeminismsQueer studiesEcofeminismTransgender livesFeminist philosophies
Domestic violence or homeless shelter directorHuman rights advocateJournalistLawyerLegislative aideProfessorSocial worker
Undergraduate certificates (1)

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Undergraduate Certificate or Minor
Engage in a broad study of gender and women's issues in a program that emphasizes a diversity of experiences through a focus on disciplinary-based knowledge about women's lives.
Gender and scienceIssues related to women of colorFeminismQueer studiesEcofeminismTransgender issuesFeminist philosophy
Domestic violence shelter directorHuman rights advocateJournalistLawyerLegislative aidSocial worker
Undergraduate microcredentials (10)

Applied Behavior Support Basics
Microcredential (advanced)
Develop the skills to understand developmental milestones, promote inclusive and supportive practices, and apply behavior modification techniques as you support people at all life stages.
Human developmentDisability justice principlesBehavioral intervention

Autism and Neurodiversity: Lifespan Development and Disability Justice
Microcredential (advanced)
Gain insight into human lifespan development and the psychological aspects of disability as you learn how to approach neurodiversity with a focus on empowerment and inclusion.
Social developmentNeurodiverse-affirming practiceDisability justice principlesNeurodevelopmental disorders

Child and Youth Development
Microcredential (advanced)
Gain a broad understanding of human development from infancy through adolescence, including the influence of family, community, school and peers.
Childhood developmentadolescent developmentparenting stylesdiscipline and attachmentobserving youthdevelopmental practicescollaborative strategies

Children and Youth With Disabilities
Microcredential (advanced)
Learn how to promote more inclusive support for children with diverse needs and abilities by better understanding the associated developmental, educational and family challenges.
Developmentally appropriate practicescollaborative strategiesethical principlesdisability rights principlesobserving and interpreting behavior

Disparities and Discrimination Through an Economic Lens
Microcredential (advanced)
Take part in the economic analysis of disparities with a focus on theories and evidence of discrimination, sources of employment and wage disparities, and policies to remedy economic inequality.
Human capital analysisPublic policy analysisEconomic analysis of discriminationMeasurement of inequality

Economic Foundations
Microcredential (introductory)
Study how institutions allocate resources, the consequences of resource distribution, and learn to analyze decisions in markets and everyday settings.
Analysis of decision-makingEconomic analysisMarket analysisPublic policy analysis

Human Lifespan Development
Microcredential (introductory)
Study the physical, cognitive and social changes that occur in humans from infancy to adulthood while gaining the skills that enable you to support people and communities effectively.
Psychological scienceScientific reasoningLifespan development

Indigenous Studies
Microcredential (introductory)
Study Indigenous experiences and learn how to critically assess colonialism and power dynamics, so that you can respectfully engage and collaborate with tribal communities.
Indigenous history contextualizationSovereignty advocacy and supportColonialism and power analysis

Public Policy Foundations
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn how to conduct research, analyze and interpret qualitative data, and present this data to inform new policies, so you can help create workable solutions for issues in the public and private sectors.
Policy analysisPolicy implementationProgram evaluation

Serving LGBTQIA+ Communities
Microcredential (introductory)
Study key concepts, histories and political frameworks that will help you better understand and engage in applied work and direct services for LGBTQIA+ communities.
Applied learningIntersectional analysisAdvocacyCommunity resilienceCultural responsiveness
Graduate degrees (1)

Public Policy
MPP or Executive MPP
Become an expert in policy theory, design and implementation. Learn how to integrate groundbreaking science and data analysis into emerging policy practices that can influence local, regional and international policy decisions.
Social researchQuantitative and qualitative data analysisPublic policy analysisEthicsEconomic analysisProblem-solvingSociologyEnergy impact analysis
Policy advisorNon-profit/government program managerConsultantLegislative aidePublic affairs specialistEconomic analystCity/regional plannerEnergy analyst
Graduate certificates (3)

Energy Policy
Graduate Certificate
Broaden your knowledge of U.S. energy policy, how it impacts the development of energy markets, and the technologies and resources currently in use and under development.
Renewable energy policyEnergy economicsStakeholder engagementPolicy implementationEnergy policy evaluationClimate policy
Energy policy analystRenewable energy project managerLegislative policy directorUrban or regional plannerSustainability managerBusiness operations specialist

Public Policy Analysis
Graduate Certificate
Develop your leadership style and gain advanced research and analytical skills, so you can successfully analyze, design and implement policy change.
Quantitative data analysisQualitative data analysisEffective leadershipPolicy theoryEquitable research analysisProblem-solving
Federal program specialistLegislative aideLobbyistStrategic plannerUrban renewal coordinatorRural development coordinatorPolicy analyst

Rural Policy
Graduate Certificate
Address the unique needs of rural communities through targeted initiatives that ensure equitable and sustainable access to healthcare, education, transportation and economic development in rural areas.
Comparative policy analysisPolicy brief writingEconomic developmentData analysisNatural resources policyStakeholder engagementPolicy implementation
Agricultural policy analystRural or city plannerAgritourism coordinatorEconomic development specialistRural grants managerHealth policy analystAdvocacy and outreach coordinator
Graduate microcredentials (1)

Public Policy Leadership
Graduate microcredential (advanced)
Learn social science research methods and gain the analytical skills you need to become a leader in policy design and implementation.
Policy analysis and evaluationPolicy implementationLeadership

B.A. in Anthropology

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