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Online Course Evaluations
Teaching at Oregon State University is an essential part of each instructor's responsibilities. Student responses to this questionnaire will help instructors identify quality teaching skills and methods or discover ways to improve their courses.
- Please take the time to answer each question individually and add your comments in the text boxes. Comments in the text boxes are seen by only the instructors.
- Instructors will carefully consider your comments. Comments are anonymous unless you choose to “sign” them, which will associate your name with your remarks. Also, supervisors for each faculty member or instructor will use this survey information, including signed comments, to encourage teaching excellence.
- Results of this form are anonymous (other than individually signed comments) and are not tabulated until after grades are posted.
Complete Student Learning Experience (SLE) Survey
The Student Learning Experience (SLE) Survey opens to students on Wednesday of week 9 and closes the following Sunday. Students will receive notification, instructions and the link through their ONID email. Responses are anonymous (unless a student chooses to “sign” their comments agreeing to relinquish anonymity) and unavailable to instructors until after grades have been posted. The results of scaled questions and signed comments go to both the instructor and their unit head/supervisor. Anonymous (unsigned) comments go to the instructor only.
If you experience difficulties while completing the Student Learning Experience (SLE) Survey, visit the student FAQs page.
If you have already completed your teaching evaluations, you may release the hold by going back into your SLE. This action triggers the manual Remove Hold feature available in SLE. If you choose not to do so, the hold will still be released within one business day of your evaluations.
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.