Ecampus fact
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Choose from nearly 2,000 courses — all of them intentionally designed for online delivery.
Academic Calendar
Below you will find important dates for each upcoming term including registration dates, finals and dates to add or drop classes. These calendar listings are only summaries and are subject to change.
Oregon State University is on a quarter-term system. There are four quarters each year and classes are 11 weeks long including one week for finals.
Academic calendars for all terms
Summer term
Summer term offers different sessions for classes including accelerated course formats. Here you can review tuition and fee information as well as the refund schedule for Summer Session.
Before registering online...
Have you applied for admission? Ecampus recommends that degree-seeking students apply for admission 8-10 weeks before the term of attendance begins. Application deadlines for graduate programs may differ from the deadlines for undergraduate programs.
Ready to apply?
Once you are accepted, you will need to set up your ONID to register for class. The Getting Started Guide offers step-by-step instruction. If you have completed the steps above, you can register online now.
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.