Ecampus fact
Built for online
Choose from nearly 2,000 courses — all of them intentionally designed for online delivery.
About Ecampus Courses
Throughout the year, Ecampus offers more than 1,750 credit courses in more than 110 subjects to students worldwide who prefer the flexibility of online learning.
What courses are offered, and when?
Our schedule of classes provides you with a complete term-by-term listing of courses, which follow the quarter term system at Oregon State University. Each course links to its own page of information, and many include a class syllabus link to preview assignments and deadlines.
How are courses delivered?
The majority of Ecampus courses are delivered online through Canvas, which requires a user login and password to access your course. Several Ecampus courses may entail a combination of delivery methods (i.e. video & web), or are offered at off-site locations around Oregon.
Preview an online course
We offer an Ecampus course demo for students looking to familiarize themselves with online courses at Oregon State.
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.