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Oregon State Ecampus proudly serves distance learners in all 50 states and more than 60 countries. We understand that no two students are alike, and we want to help you get started on a path that meets your needs and career goals.
Here’s a summary of the various types of degrees that Ecampus delivers online and for whom these programs are designed.
Undergraduate degrees
Oregon State grants Bachelor of Arts (B.A) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees that are designed to take about four years to complete. At OSU, you earn a bachelor’s degree once you complete a minimum of 180 program-specific credits.
People who pursue a bachelor’s degree may or may not have college experience, but must hold either a high school diploma or a GED. Previously earned college credits from institutionally accredited colleges or universities will be reviewed for transfer on a course by course basis.
Postbaccalaureate students
A postbaccalaureate (or postbacc) student is someone who already has a bachelor’s degree and wants to earn another in a different field. This option often makes sense for those who want to study a subject in which a graduate degree is not available or necessary to meet their career needs.
Postbacc students can enroll in any Ecampus undergraduate program. Ecampus also delivers a B.S. in Computer Science that is specifically designed for postbacc students.
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Graduate degrees
Students who have already finished their undergraduate studies can pursue a graduate degree. Ecampus delivers a variety master’s and doctoral programs as well as graduate certificates. Minimum credit requirements vary by program.
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Nondegree studies
This option is for people who want to earn college course credit without applying it toward an OSU degree. Anyone can apply as a nondegree-seeking student, including those who have yet to complete high school or pass a GED exam. Nondegree students often take classes for professional development or personal enrichment. Ecampus delivers more than 1,800 courses online in more than 115 subject areas. Use our helpful nondegree student FAQ section for more information.
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Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.