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Graduation 2010
Over 200 Ecampus online graduates receive their OSU diploma
Thirty-nine OSU Ecampus graduates attended the June 12th commencement ceremony in Corvallis -- traveling from as far away as Maryland, Massachusetts and Alabama. For many, graduation day was the first time that they had ever been on the campus of what is now their Alma Mater.
With over 200 graduates, the 2010 graduating class is the largest in Ecampus history!
The top three online degrees earned this year were Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies (75), Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources (46) and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (29).
Read our Graduate Profiles to learn more about their experiences taking OSU Ecampus courses online. You can view a complete List of 2010 Ecampus Graduates as well.
Looking ahead to Graduation 2011? Visit the Graduation Information page. To read about past Ecampus grads and current students, visit our Student Profiles page. Find more info about all of our online and distance Degrees and Programs.
View the slideshow of images from the Ecampus Graduation Reception held just before the 2010 OSU Commencement ceremony on June 12. Check out our other Ecampus videos on our YouTube Channel.
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