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2011 OSU Ecampus graduates
Anita Shade – Perseverance trumps all manner of misfortune
B.S. Liberal Studies
Seaside, Ore.
What does completing your degree mean to you? How do you feel it will improve your life and career?
My journey began in 1999 at Clatsop Community College in Astoria, Ore. It took 10 years to complete my associate degree while working, raising children and surviving two layoffs. My bachelor's degree represents perseverance, ambition and triumph over adversity. I will also be able to advance professionally as never before.
Why did you choose to complete your degree online through OSU Extended Campus? What did you like about this method of education?
OSU Ecampus offers more writing classes and allowed me to design a plan that worked with my career goals.
Did you have an instructor or advisor who was influential in helping you succeed as a distance student?
There have been several instructors in various disciplines who made learning approachable via Blackboard. I've had two instructors who used audio lectures, and I found those experiences pleasant and more conducive to learning.
What will your Ecampus degree allow you to do that you were unable to do before?
A bachelor's degree will allow me to apply for professional-level positions. It will allow me to move out of office administrative positions into management/professional-level positions and increase my earnings potential.
Back to 2011 Ecampus graduate profiles.
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Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.