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Paying for School

A person sitting at a table and typing on a laptop, with an Oregon State University water bottle in the foreground.

Online applied humanities degree provides professional skills in an affordable manner

3 minute read Driven to help adult learners with some college experience finish their degrees online in an affordable manner while enhancing professional skills, Oregon State University offers an applied humanities bachelor’s program that features career-focused courses, a zero-tuition benefit and low-cost learning materials.

Ecampus student Karen Baek sits at a laptop in an OSU building. She has a book and handwritten notes nearby.

Textbooks are way too expensive. Oregon State is saving students millions.

3 minute read College textbooks are way too expensive, and Oregon State — with its faculty leading the way — is on a mission to make college more affordable and accessible for students. With the support of the OSU Open Educational Resources Unit, an increasing number of OSU instructors are adopting, adapting and authoring no-cost and low-cost course materials.

A student types on the keyboard of a slim silver laptop. Financial aid

7 tips on how to apply for financial aid

2 minute read Let’s be honest: Receiving financial aid can be the difference between earning your college degree and not being able to go back to school at all. That makes applying for financial aid a hugely important process, and we at Oregon State want to help you navigate it like a pro.

An aerial photo of a rainforest in Borneo. Online fisheries and wildlife

Ecampus student 1 of 7 at OSU to earn study abroad scholarship

2 minute read Esmeralda Sanchez, an OSU Ecampus student in fisheries and wildlife sciences, will participate in a forest conservation program in Malaysian Borneo after being awarded a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study internationally during the 2020-21 academic year. It’s part of a congressionally funded program designed to broaden U.S. participation in education abroad.

A student types on the keyboard of a slim silver laptop. Financial aid

How to pay for college: Financial aid and scholarships for online students

4 minute read When it comes to paying for college, students need to see the big picture. But if the waters of financial aid and scholarships seem murky to you, you’re not alone. Learn how you can maximize the financial aid and scholarships you’ll receive while learning online with Oregon State Ecampus.