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study abroad

An aerial photo of a rainforest in Borneo. Online fisheries and wildlife

Ecampus student 1 of 7 at OSU to earn study abroad scholarship

2 minute read Esmeralda Sanchez, an OSU Ecampus student in fisheries and wildlife sciences, will participate in a forest conservation program in Malaysian Borneo after being awarded a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study internationally during the 2020-21 academic year. It’s part of a congressionally funded program designed to broaden U.S. participation in education abroad.

Maria Reading, Spanish graduate from Oregon State University Ecampus

Online Spanish studies help alum take her career to a higher degree

3 minute read Maria Reading was a young child when she moved with her family from Mexico to Southern California. Spanish was her first language. But as she and her nine siblings began school, their world became immersed in English. While working with students many years later, Reading realized she still wanted to fulfill a lifelong dream to earn a college degree and reclaim her native language.

Experiential opportunities transform learning for Oregon State’s online students

2 minute read Oregon State University Ecampus students don’t just learn their course material — they live it. Through experiential learning opportunities such as field trips, internships, research and study abroad, online students connect with people and places that enhance their learning and career prospects.

A shared destination. A unique path to get there.

3 minute read Whether they’re at home, commuting to work or crossing the globe, Oregon State Ecampus students are able to pick up their classroom and carry it with them to the next adventure. So when Adrianna Gordon received an email from her academic advisor about a faculty-led study abroad trip to Vancouver, Canada, she was ready to pack her bags.