I began my academic career quite a while ago, finishing my bachelor’s degree from the University of Dayton in 1995. It was not without some fear of the unknown that I embarked on this journey with Oregon State University.
Not only had I not been in school for over 20 years, but the way that school was presented was totally different. I transitioned from learning in person — taking notes using pencil and paper and going to the computer lab — to a fully remote OSU Ecampus learning environment with Canvas. It was quite a change in philosophy for me.
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I was able to take part in the Ecampus program through my employer, SnapNrack, who funded the whole endeavor in an effort to expand the capabilities of our leadership team. I live in San Luis Obispo, California, and have thoroughly enjoyed being able to fit my schoolwork around frequent work trips, some crazy hours and my family life.
Had I enrolled in a traditional in-person program, I would not have achieved the success that I now enjoy. The flexibility of Oregon State’s online program allowed me to achieve honors in the engineering management program and now graduate with my master’s degree.
Discover the skills and knowledge you’ll gain while pursuing your engineering management master’s degree online with Oregon State University.