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OSU Everywhere

A man wearing a black graduation cap and gown smiles in a selfie in an arena filled with other graduates.

Engineering master’s degree is a long time coming, and employer tuition benefits helped

2 minute read “Had I enrolled in a traditional in-person program, I would not have achieved the success that I now enjoy. The flexibility of Oregon State’s online program allowed me to achieve honors in the engineering management program and now graduate with my master’s degree.” — Tim Edwards, OSU graduate

Marc Mains in baseball hat and backpack standing in office of Monteverde Institute

Oregon State Everywhere: ‘Live your life with passion and don’t be afraid to connect with others’

3 minute read For his online fisheries, wildlife, and conservations sciences degree, Marc Mains traveled to Costa Rica to intern as a wildlife researcher and says “I have grown personally and professionally from this experience as I gained valuable skills and knowledge.”

Jane Vinesky

Oregon State Everywhere: Finding community and support from all points on the map

3 minute read “Faculty made time to tutor me, teach me, counsel me, write recommendations and discuss professional opportunities. Although I was an Ecampus student, the Oregon State community is so strong that I felt its support from wherever I was in the world.” — Jane Vinesky, fisheries, wildlife, and conservation sciences graduate

An up-close view of a monitor with computer code on it.

Oregon State Everywhere: Driven to change lives through computer science online

2 minute read “I have loved my experience online with Oregon State. … I have a bachelor’s degree and MBA already, but I wanted to pursue a postbaccalaureate degree in computer science online in hopes of making a profound impact in health care technology.” — Shane Adams, computer science student

Oregon State Everywhere: ‘Consider where you want to go, not where you are’

3 minute read Justin Nelson says the topics covered in Oregon State’s online environmental sciences master’s degree program are ideal for helping students who want to change careers “break into new markets and industries.” Earning a master’s led Justin to a new role working in corporate sustainability strategy.

Oregon State Everywhere: ‘Education is an investment in yourself, and you are worth it’

2 minute read “Here’s my advice to anyone who is considering going back to school: Go for it! There is no better time than now. … Education is an investment in yourself, and you are worth it. OSU Ecampus was user-friendly, with great support.” — Matt Bowling, Oregon State Ecampus graduate

Oregon State Everywhere: Geospatial technology, natural resources make a perfect pair online

3 minute read I was not a typical grad student. For years I’ve wanted to go back to school and get my master’s degree, but due to a number of life circumstances it just didn’t happen. Then, when I was about to turn 50 (yes, 50!) the opportunity came.

A selfie photo of OSU Ecampus online psychology student Kristina Tucker

Oregon State Everywhere: Gaining a deep understanding after a tragic loss

3 minute read “The motivation to understand how and why my thinking and behavior changed pushed me towards completing my degree with OSU Ecampus. The classes were difficult and sometimes it felt overwhelming, but I wouldn’t trade anything for this experience.” – OSU Ecampus psychology student Kristina Tucker

Photo of Hope Sims, Oregon State Ecampus online economics student

Oregon State Everywhere: Developing passions, adding skills for the future

2 minute read “The courses that I’ve taken have helped me expand my education in economics and further develop my passions for sustainability. With the online education, I’ve been able to work toward my goals as a sustainability ambassador.” — Hope Sims, OSU economics major

Oregon State Ecampus student Geoff Boldt sits at a table outside. He studies economics online

Oregon State Everywhere: Economics with a real-world impact

3 minute read “As I am actively working in a field that uses my future degree, I am able to apply what I am learning immediately. This helps me understand how relevant the material is and makes the classes that much more interesting.” — Geoff Boldt, Ecampus economics major