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Military students

Hope Nelson, an Oregon State University alum, stands outside in commencement cap and gown with a blue sash that says veteran.

Oregon State Ecampus secures grant funding to help veterans who learn online with housing costs

3 minute read Thanks to a state grant, Oregon State Ecampus is offering assistance to some military veterans in Oregon who learn online but receive significantly less GI Bill housing support than students enrolled in on-campus instruction. The new funding will support military veteran students studying online at OSU in fields related to technology, health care or manufacturing. In Oregon, a full-time online student who receives Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits gets $1,015 less in monthly housing allowance than an on-campus student.

Beaverton mayor and Lacey Beaty speaks into a microphone at an outdoor public event.

First female and youngest-ever mayor of Beaverton, Oregon earned her OSU degree online

4 minute read Service to others has been a major through line in Lacey Beaty’s path. These days, it’s public service: Beaty is the first woman to serve as mayor and the youngest-ever elected official in Beaverton’s history. She was elected in 2020 after acting as a city councilor for six years. Beaty also served as a U.S. Army combat medic in Iraq, having joined the military right out of high school. She later earned a political science degree online with Oregon State.

What’s it like to learn online? Military veterans share their advice

2 minute read Hundreds of military service members and veterans have earned their degrees online from Oregon State Ecampus. They know what it takes to live the military lifestyle while pursuing a higher education. And those Ecampus graduates are always eager to offer guidance to fellow military-connected personnel.

Laura Micewski poses in front of an American flag and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission crest.

From the Navy to the online classroom: An Ecampus student’s journey

3 minute read Laura Micewski, U.S. Navy veteran, started her educational journey with one goal in mind: land her dream job without missing a beat. That’s where Ecampus came in. She kept her full-time job and leveraged her GI Bill to get the education she needed to make her dreams a reality.

Photo of Meagan Consedine, a student in Oregon State University's Master of Public Policy online program.

Oregon State Everywhere: Public policy rekindles Army vet’s passion for service

2 minute read “I was motivated to persist in my studies and motivated to graduate by a desire to get back into the workforce and serve in a capacity developing meaningful policies to address real-world problems. I know Oregon State program provided me the tools to do this.” – Meagan Consedine, online Master of Pubic Policy student

Hope Nelson sits on a concrete bench with a computer on her lap outside the Oregon State Valley Library. She earned an online German degree from OSU.

Online German degree opens the world for OSU Ecampus alum

3 minute read People used to ask Hope Nelson how she learned to speak German. Hope says her answer didn’t seem adequate. She taught herself using textbooks and audio tools in high school before living in Germany for a year as an exchange student. But now she is proud to have a German bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University Ecampus as proof.

Heath Blackmon, Oregon State University Ecampus environmental sciences graduate and assistant professor at Texas A&M University

Oregon State Everywhere: ‘My Ecampus degree gave me an edge’

3 minute read “The quality and the rigor of courses that I took at Ecampus were on par with any in-person class and prepared me for a future in science. Even though my classes were taken at a distance, the professors built learning activities that gave me firsthand experience in analyzing and interpreting a range of data from ice core samples to satellite photos.” – OSU Ecampus environmental sciences graduate Heath Blackmon

Taniah Johnson, a human development family sciences graduate of Oregon State University Ecampus

With her diploma in hand, military veteran puts self-doubt to rest

2 minute read Taniah Johnson didn’t think she was smart enough for college. Just the thought of applying to learn online with Oregon State University Ecampus intimidated her. But she had something to prove – to herself and everyone else. Now she’s an Oregon State graduate, active duty in the U.S. Air Force and an aspiring school counselor.

Military spouse juggles full-time job, relocation and a family while earning a master’s degree long-distance

3 minute read Robin Webster knew she wanted to earn a master’s degree. But she had a full-time job, is the mother of two daughters, and, as a military spouse, had to move to a new part of the country every couple of years. She found Oregon State University’s Master of Education in Adult and Higher Education (Ed.M.) online degree program.