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Military students

Hannah Thelen is seated outdoors with her husband to her right. The two are holding a puppy with brown fur, which lays on its back in their arms and looks playful with its mouth open and one front paw in the air.

Up in the air, but laying a strong foundation

3 minute read Ask most college students and they’ll tell you their future career plans are up in the air. But for Hannah Thelen, her current career is – literally. Hannah is an airborne cryptologic linguist in the United States Air Force. By pairing the extensive skills she gains through her business administration degree with the steadfast determination of serving in the Air Force, she has big plans to work in marketing or accounting for a large Pacific Northwest company that aligns with her passion for the outdoors.

Evan Huegel wears his work uniform and stands in front of his Department of Natural Resources law officer truck.

Out of the park and into the woods

4 minute read “Getting my degree was by no means ‘easy,’ as it shouldn’t be,” says fisheries and wildlife sciences alum Evan Huegel. “However, going to Oregon State made it an enjoyable and academically challenging experience. After graduating, it is safe to say I was fully prepared to take on whatever the real world had to throw at me.”

Jason Deger, an Oregon State Ecampus environmental sciences alum, is standing on the Oregon State Corvallis campus in the Valley Library quad on his graduation day. He is gesturing with open palms near his abdomen as he speaks.

How long do you pursue your goals? As long as it takes

2 minute read How old were you when you discovered your dream job? Many of us are still trying to figure it out. Not Jason Deger. He knew at a young age – thanks to camping trips with his dad in national parks – that he would someday be a park ranger. It wasn’t a matter of debate. It was a matter of time. And it took years. But he never wavered in his pursuit.

Albert Diaz lifts up his son Gabriel and the two laugh.

On the right track: Hard work and online learning with OSU Ecampus help this family to a better life

5 minute read When Albert Diaz gets home and his kids are asleep, he’ll study alongside the only Oregon State student he has met face-to-face: his wife, Samantha, a psychology major. She was the first in the family to enroll with OSU Ecampus. They have never set foot on the Oregon State campus. They both decided to apply to OSU — and become a full-fledged Beaver Nation family — thanks to a Google search. The Diaz family is a fitting example of the benefits of the university’s wildly successful distance education efforts.

Matthew Baird speaks with an instructor at the Ecampus graduation reception.

Military students share their advice | Oregon State Ecampus

< 1 minute read Michael Magstadt, Alyssa Halstead and Matthew Baird all served in the United States Armed Forces, and all three earned their degrees online through Oregon State University. They met the challenge of pursuing an education while serving their country, and here they share words of wisdom and encouragement to fellow service members and veterans.

Rhonda Wise faces slightly to her left; she is outdoors with the sun shining golden through the trees behind her. She wears a red blouse and tan cardigan.

Calling the shots

3 minute read Following 13 years as an electronics technician in the United States Navy and many more raising and educating her children, Rhonda Wise paved a new path by earning a degree online in natural resources from Oregon State Ecampus. Now she’s in full control of her career and future. Learn how she took initiative and how it’s paying off.

OSU Ecampus graduate Colby Mangini

Coast to coast

4 minute read There are a million reasons to not do something. Take college, for example: It’s an arduous process. It’s time-consuming. It challenges you daily. It also requires a financial investment. U.S. Navy veteran Colby Mangini saw things differently. When he enrolled in Oregon State University’s online graduate program in radiation health physics in 2006, he saw green lights everywhere telling him to go for it.