Change your life, then change the world.
You’re on a mission to protect our planet and its resources through the study of natural sciences and conservation. Earn the degree or certificate you need to build a career with purpose, delivered online by a university with more than 150 years of success educating and developing future leaders in plant, animal and environmental sciences.
When you learn online with Oregon State University, you’ll gain real-world expertise through courses that have been finely tuned to help you master complex STEM subjects online. And as you level up your skill set, you'll study alongside faculty who are world-renowned leaders in the scientific community.
Join us as we go out there and make an impact, together.
As one of only three land, sea, space and sun grant institutions in the United States, Oregon State's expertise extends from the geologic layers of the earth to the farthest reaches of the cosmos.
Browse conservation and natural sciences programs
Browse conservation and natural sciences programs
18 graduate programs in conservation and natural sciences available
Graduate degrees (4)

Environmental Sciences
M.S. or PSM
Choose between two master’s pathways in the environmental sciences. Gain rigorous training and focus on research areas like ecosystem function and health, water and natural resources management, environmental policy, and future climate scenario impacts.
BiogeochemistryClimate changeEcological policyEnvironmental analysisSocial scienceGI SystemsStatistical analysisPhysical hydrologyExperimental designEcologyQuantitative analysisWatershed managementEnvironmental educationSustainability assessment
Environmental protection specialistHydrologistRestoration specialistLand use plannerEnvironmental scientistGeospatial scientistClimate scientistSustainability analystEnvironmental consultantWatershed specialistWildlife biologistConservation scientistPredoctoral student

Fisheries and Wildlife Administration
Accelerate your career with advanced training in fish or wildlife biology, ecology, management and conservation. This program is ideal for professionals already working in fish and wildlife administration.
Wildlife behaviorEcological field methodsFishery biologyPrinciples of wildlife diseasesHabitat conservationInvasive speciesAquacultureWildlife population monitoringManaging wildlife in agricultural ecosystems
Wildlife biologistConservationistEcological plannerFisheries managerBiological technicianZoologistWetland biologistGovernment agency ecologistRange managerAquaculture farm managerOutreach coordinator

Geography and Geospatial Science
Apply spatial data analysis to Earth systems and human-environment interactions to address issues ranging from climate resilience and environmental justice to transportation and public health.
Geographic data analysisRemote sensing principles and applicationsAdvanced spatial statisticsWeb mappingHydrology for water resources managementSatellite image analysisPolitical ecologyConservation biologyPlanning for resilient communitiesEnvironmental assessment
GeographerPhotogrammetristSurveyorSpatial systems administratorCartographerRemote sensing scientistGIS software developerWater resource specialistWind energy development managerGeospatial intelligence analystUrban plannerLand use specialistGIS analyst

Natural Resources
Engage with customizable curriculum based on natural and social sciences as you learn to balance environmental, economic, health and cultural interests within the work of resource management.
Sustainable site planningArboricultureWildlife habitat managementRemote sensingGISGreen infrastructureSocial science researchScience communicationWater resources policy
Environmental policy analystForesterLand use plannerRecreation resource managerNatural resources educatorPark naturalistWater conflict managerNatural resources managerWildlife habitat specialistExtension educator
Graduate certificates (13)

Energy Policy
Graduate Certificate
Broaden your knowledge of U.S. energy policy, how it impacts the development of energy markets, and the technologies and resources currently in use and under development.
Renewable energy policyEnergy economicsStakeholder engagementPolicy implementationEnergy policy evaluationClimate policy
Energy policy analystRenewable energy project managerLegislative policy directorUrban or regional plannerSustainability managerBusiness operations specialist

Environmental Management
Graduate Certificate
Help organizations build more sustainable practices with skills in environmental management systems, ESG reporting and investing, humanitarian engineering, green infrastructure and more.
Environmental analysisSustainability assessmentProject managementRemote sensingESG reportingRisk analysisESG investingGreen infrastructureHumanitarian engineeringEnvironmental site assessmentProject design
Environmental consultantSustainability managerEnvironmental plannerEnvironmental resource managerLand use specialistBusiness operations specialistEnvironmental compliance inspectorEnvironmental economist

Fisheries Management
Graduate Certificate
Gain the practical skills in biology, assessment science and social science that you need to manage sustainable recreational and commercial fisheries in collaboration with scientists and policymakers.
AquacultureOcean lawFreshwater ecologyCoastal ecologyMarine conservation biologyFisheries law and policyEcological restorationWetlands and riparian ecologyFish physiologyFisheries assessmentAquatic biological invasions
Fish ecology technicianConservation agentPolicy planning staffEnvironmental affairs advisorHarvest management biologistFisheries biologistFish hatchery managerNGO outreach coordinatorLand use planning assistantParks manager

Forests and Climate Change
Graduate Certificate
Learn how climate change impacts forest ecosystems and approaches to improve forest management for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Forest ecosystem managementForest geneticsManaging greenhouse gas emissionsAdapting forests to climate changeForest carbon analysisCarbon sequestrationMarket solutions to climate change
Climate change analystEducator or consultantConservation ecologistCarbon accounting specialistAdaptation plannerClimate change impacts assessorForesterResearch associateConservationist

Geographic Information Science
GIScience Graduate Certificate
Develop skills in remote sensing, geospatial data collection and analysis, geovisualization and the use of machine learning to measure and model systems of human and environmental interaction.
Remote sensingSpatial statisticsPhotogrammetryCartography3D laser scanningScientific visualizationDigital terrain modelingProgramming for GIScienceSoil landscape analysisSpatial epidemiology
CartographerGeographic data operations analystAutoCAD/ArcGIS software developerGeographerRemote sensing specialistResearch associateGIS technician or analystCity plannerPhotogrammetry technicianMap specialist

Leading and Creating Change
Graduate Certificate
Using practical methods, develop professional leadership skills that are valued by organizations that prioritize social, organizational and environmental health and justice.
Interdisciplinary managementOrganizational performanceDialogue facilitationChange managementPerformance evaluationConflict resolution
Human resources managersTraining and development managersEducation administratorsCommunity health workersMarketing directorsFundraising directors

Organic Agriculture
Graduate Certificate
Grow your understanding of the science behind organic agroecosystems as well as your ability to manage them as you equip yourself for work in organic food production, policymaking or education.
Organic food productionOrganic soil managementLocal food systemsIntegrated pest managementOrganic animal production systemsPlant breeding and seed productionOrganic beekeeping and honey production
Farm managerNursery or greenhouse managerOrganic growerAgricultural technicianCrop consultantExtension agentBiointensive farmerOrganic farming consultantResearch associateOrganic certification officer

Sustainable Natural Resources
Graduate Certificate
Gain a holistic view of sustainability as you tackle environmental, economic and social challenges that call for multidisciplinary problem-solving skills and a global perspective of resource management.
Environmental sociologyNatural resources ethicsNatural resources economicsEcological restorationAgroforestryForest wildlife habitat managementIntegrated food, energy, water and climate policyPublic lands policy and management
Forest resource administratorRangeland specialistLand rehabilitation specialistConservation biologistEnvironmental protection specialistSilviculturistHabitat conservation specialistLand use plannerBiometricianInsect and disease management

Graduate Certificate
Explore how toxins impact our environment, human health and food safety and learn how to determine and limit toxicity risks.
Fundamentals of toxicologyHuman health risk assessmentComputational toxicologyPublic healthBiological scienceSocial scienceScience communicationsBiostatisticsEnvironmental toxicologyMolecular toxicology
Environmental toxicologistFood safety compliance officerRegulatory toxicologistOperations research analystBiomedical technicianEnvironmental analystProduct safety evaluatorEnvironmental consultant

Urban Forestry
Graduate Certificate
Apply principles of forestry, green infrastructure, horticulture, urban planning and landscape architecture to the stewardship of planted landscapes and native forest remnants in and around cities.
Urban forest planningGreen infrastructureEcological restorationUrban forestry leadershipPlanning for resilient communitiesArboricultureWildland-urban interface managementGIScienceEnvironmental interpretationEcosystem services
Urban forestry supervisorTree planting coordinatorCity arboristUrban natural resource plannerCommunity assistance foresterNonprofit directorUrban and community forestry program manager

Water Conflict Management and Transformation
Graduate Certificate
Help communities manage a crucial natural resource as you facilitate water governance and conflict resolution, drawing on multidisciplinary expertise to balance ecological, social and economic interests.
Hydro-diplomacyWater governanceHydrologyPollution assessmentWater resources economicsGroundwater remediationEnvironmental lawBargaining and negotiationFinance administrationAquatic chemistryWatershed processes
Water resources directorWater hygiene consultantWater treatment consultantDeputy water managerResource analystWastewater network modelerSales engineerWater resource specialist

Water Resources Engineering
Graduate Certificate
Study the hydrologic cycle and learn modeling and analysis skills, so you can help develop more sustainable solutions for water resources management.
Hydrologic processesSurface modelingWater resources system designRiver engineeringWater quality managementWatershed analysisGroundwater dynamicsNumerical modelingAquifer assessmentStormwater management
HydrologistWater resources engineerCivil engineerEnvironmental engineerHydraulics engineerNatural resources manager

Wildlife Management
Graduate Certificate
Apply a range of applied sciences to manage wildlife populations, with a focus on practical skills that will help you balance habitat conservation and wildlife population dynamics with human dimensions.
Wildlife population monitoringBiological invasionsWildlife law and policyEcological restorationSpecies recoveryWildlife behaviorUrban ecologyNatural resource ethicsRiparian ecologyWildlife diseasesWildlife in agriculture
Conservation agentHarvest management biologistWildlife technicianWildlife law enforcement officerEnvironmental affairs advisorWildlife biologistWildlife inspector and forensics specialistNGO outreach coordinatorWildlife reserve manager
Graduate microcredentials (1)

DEI in Natural Resources
Graduate microcredential (advanced)
Learn important DEI, social sustainability and collaborative problem-solving skills that support a more inclusive and effective governance of natural resources.
DEI awarenessDEI application in natural resourcesDEI leadershipCulture and local knowledgeEnvironmental justiceHuman and community well-beingStakeholder and public engagement
Learn more about Oregon State’s online bachelor’s degrees, master’s programs and graduate certificates focused on conservation and natural sciences.

Master of Natural Resources

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