Dr. Dannelle Stevens
On this episode, Katie is joined by Dr. Dannelle Stevens, a professor in the Curriculum and Instruction Department at Portland State University. Dr. Stevens has written several books including Tenure in the sacred grove: Issues and strategies for women and minorities from Suny Press and co-edited with Joanne Cooper, Introduction to rubrics from Stylus Press and co-authored with Antonia Levi, and Journal-keeping: How to use reflective writing for teaching, learning, professional insight and personal change from Stylus Press also co-authored with Joanne Cooper. Dr. Stevens earned her doctorate in educational psychology from Michigan State University. Before her work in higher education, she also previously taught middle school and high school social studies, language arts, and special education for 14 years across four school districts and three states.
Transcript (.docx)
Show Notes
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Segment 1: The role of journaling for researchers [00:00-11:29]
In this first segment, Dannelle and Katie talk about the different benefits of journaling for researchers including organizing reflections and notes and “mining” ideas for future projects.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Dannelle’s book Journal Keeping
- Katie’s dissertation journal is a Planahead model called a “fashion jumbo journal”
- Katie mentions a travel journal – this is an Action book from the Ghostly Store
- Peter Elbow’s Writing Without Teachers
Segment 2: Tips and suggestions for a successful journaling practice [11:30-17:55]
In segment two, Dannelle and Katie discuss some journaling logistics such as indexing practices for journaling, whether journaling needs to be done regularly, and some ways to start journaling if you are a beginner.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Dannelle’s book Journal Keeping, which contains an example of a color-coded index inside the front cover
Segment 3: Strategies for keeping a research journal & digital journaling [17:56-32:35]
In segment three, Dannelle and Katie share some of the ways that they use their journals in ways that are directly related to their research and whether digital journaling can have the same benefits as hard-written reflection.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Zotero, a citation management system
- Evernote
- Research on handwriting “tapping more parts of your brain”
- Psychological Science article
- Association for Psychological Science blog post on the article
- A Guardian article on the study
Bonus Clip: Choosing the Right Journal and Dialogic Journaling [00:00-8:41]
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Dannelle uses a Paperblank journal
- Katie’s journal is a Planahead model called a “fashion jumbo journal”
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Email: riapodcast@oregonstate.edu
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