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“Research in Action” instructor guides

The “Research in Action” podcast can be a useful supplemental resource for courses on research methods and design. Because the show features researchers from a range of disciplines discussing diverse topics, there are many episodes to choose from to incorporate into your course.

Once you have chosen the best episodes for your course, make sure to download the Podcast 101 document, which includes information you can share with your students regarding how to most easily access the “Research in Action” podcast. Additionally, visit our How to Create a Podcast page to learn tips about podcasting from the “Research in Action” podcast team.

Each instructor guide includes:

  • Information about the podcast
  • Information about the specific episode, including the guest bio and segment topics
  • Time stamps for each segment
  • Link to the episode show notes and transcript
  • Learning outcomes for the episode
  • Guiding questions for listening to the episode
  • Potential classroom activities that could be paired with the episode
  • Suggested citation for the episode

If you would like to download all the instructor guides as one document, here is a PDF copy that includes all of the guides.

If you create an assignment or play a “Research in Action” episode in your class, email or tweet to @RIA_podcast to share your experience with us.

Instructor guides

RIA # 1: Dr. Wendy Belcher on Writing Productivity | Instructor Guide
RIA # 2: Dr. John Creswell on Mixed Methods | Instructor Guide
RIA # 3: Lena Etuk on Social Demography & Data-Driven Decision Making | Instructor Guide
RIA # 4: Dr. Katie Linder on Juggling Multiple Projects | Instructor Guide
RIA # 5: Dr. Jim Kroll on Research Misconduct | Instructor Guide
RIA # 6: Kirsten Behling on Research Collaboration | Instructor Guide
RIA # 7: Dr. Josh Weller on Psychometrics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 8: Dr. Nina Huntemann on Learning New Research Skills at Mid-Career | Instructor Guide
RIA # 9: Dr. Kevin Gannon on Balancing Research, Teaching & Service | Instructor Guide
RIA # 10: Dr. Dannelle Stevens on Journaling Best Practices | Instructor Guide
RIA # 11: Steve Van Tuyl on Data Management | Instructor Guide
RIA # 12: Dr. Katie Linder on Creating a Five-year Research Plan | Instructor Guide
RIA # 13: Brad Zdenek on Institutional Research Agendas | Instructor Guide
RIA # 14: Chrysanthemum Mattison Hayes on Being a Data Analyst | Instructor Guide
RIA # 15: Dr. Geoff Pullum on Theoretical Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 16: Dr. Tanya Joosten on Distance Education Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 17: Dr. Jason Osborne on Data Cleaning | Instructor Guide
RIA # 18: Dr. Tara Gray on Publish & Flourish | Instructor Guide
RIA # 19: Dr. Peter Felten on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) | Instructor Guide
RIA # 20: Dr. Ana Spalding on Interdisciplinary Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 21: Dr. Noah Shusterman on Maintaining a Researcher Identity | Instructor Guide
RIA # 22: Dr. Katie Linder on What You Wish You Had Known About Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 23: Dr. Janet Salmons on e-Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 24: Dr. Neil Salkind on Statistics Anxiety | Instructor Guide
RIA # 25: Dr. Patsy Moskal on Research on Distributed Learning & Teaching Effectiveness | Instructor Guide
RIA # 26: Nick Foreman on Archival Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 27: Lydia Newton on Survey Design and Recruitment | Instructor Guide
RIA # 28: Dr. Todd Campbell on Managing Large Research Grants | Instructor Guide
RIA # 29: Dr. Katie Linder on Grant Writing Basics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 30: Dr. Sean Zdenek on Rhetorical Analysis |Instructor Guide
RIA # 31: Dr. Tracy Teal on Data Carpentry | Instructor Guide
RIA # 32: Dr. Tom Cavanagh and Dr. Kelvin Thompson on Keeping Up with Reading | Instructor Guide
RIA # 33: Dr. Inger Mewburn on Supporting & Training New Researchers | Instructor Guide
RIA # 34: David Brightman on Being a Book Editor | Instructor Guide
RIA # 35: Julie Risien on Broader Impacts | Instructor Guide
RIA # 36: Hannah Gascho Rempel on Citation Management | Instructor Guide
RIA # 37: Dr. Jamison Fargo on Working with a National Research Center | Instructor Guide
RIA # 38: Dr. Katie Linder on Podcasting in Higher Education (Conference Panel) | Instructor Guide
RIA # 39: Dr. Jill Buban on Transitioning from Academia to Industry | Instructor Guide
RIA # 40: Dr. Matt Bergman on Early-Career Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 41: Michaela Willi Hooper on Copyright | Instructor Guide
RIA # 42: Dr. George Veletsianos on Sharing Research Online |Instructor Guide
RIA # 43: Dr. Adriane Brown on IRB Logistics for Online Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 44: Dr. Monika Raesch, Dr. Frank Rudy Cooper & Dr. Pat Reeve on Researching as Administrators | Instructor Guide
RIA # 45: Dr. Monika Raesch, Dr. Frank Rudy Cooper & Dr. Pat Reeve on Writing Groups and the Importance of Self-reflection | Instructor Guide
RIA # 46: Dr. Sam Johnston on Design-based Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 47: Michael Alley on Best Practices for Presenting Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 48: Dr. Laurie Juranek on Research in the Arctic | Instructor Guide
RIA # 49: Dr. Therese Huston on Drawing Media Attention | Instructor Guide
RIA # 50: Dr. Chris Goldfinger on Reacting to Unexpected Media Attention | Instructor Guide
RIA # 51: Dr. Sara Goldrick-Rab on Planning and Preparing for Media Attention | Instructor Guide
RIA # 52: Kevin Alselmo on Sharing Your Research in Traditional and Digital Media | Instructor Guide
RIA # 53: Dr. Candice Foley and Nina Leonhardt on Teaching Research Methods | Instructor Guide
RIA # 54: Dr. Raul Pacheco-Vega on Being an Actively Engaged Researcher | Instructor Guide
RIA # 55: Dr. Sarah Carver Williams on Starting a Significant Research Endeavor | Instructor Guide
RIA # 56: Dr. Kyle Niemeyer on Open Science | Instructor Guide
RIA # 57: Dr. Carole Sargent on Publishing in Top Journals | Instructor Guide
RIA # 58: Dr. Gerd Kortemeyer on Researching Online Learning | Instructor Guide
RIA # 59: Dr. Katie Linder on IRB Basics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 60: Dr. Christopher McKnight Nichols on the Importance of the Humanities | Instructor Guide
RIA # 61: Dr. Jennifer Herman on Writing Retreats | Instructor Guide
RIA # 62: Dr. Ethan McMahan on Researching Happiness | Instructor Guide
RIA # 63: Dr. Nyasha Junior on Text-based Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 64: Dr. Kevin Ahern on Supporting Undergraduate Researchers | Instructor Guide
RIA # 65: Dr. Micky Lee on Balancing Research and Parenting | Instructor Guide
RIA # 66: Dr. John Nychka on Creating a Professional Philosophy | Instructor Guide
RIA # 67: Dr. Loraine McKay and Dr. Sue Monk on Being Early-career Researchers | Instructor Guide
RIA # 68: Dr. Daniel Faltesek on Researching New Media | Instructor Guide
RIA # 69: Dr. Tasha Wyatt on Unexpectedly Transitioning to a New Research Area | Instructor Guide
RIA # 70: Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky on Distrust of Science | Instructor Guide
RIA # 71: Dr. Marleah Dean Kruzel on Combining the Personal and the Professional in Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 72: Dr. John Fritz on Researching Course Design and Analytics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 73: Dr. Katie Linder on Networking with Other Researchers | Instructor Guide
RIA # 74: Dr. Matthew Lee on Researching Campus Climate | Instructor Guide
RIA # 75: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto & Something New for RIA | Instructor Guide
RIA # 76: Dr. Rolin Moe on Dealing with Critics of Your Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 77: Dr. Valerie Clayman Pye on Practice-as-Research |Instructor Guide
RIA # 78: Dr. Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder on Researching Mobility Technologies | Instructor Guide
RIA # 79: Anne-Marie Deitering on Autoethnography | Instructor Guide
RIA # 80: Dr. Daniel Ginsberg on Researching as an Alternative Academic | Instructor Guide
RIA # 81: Dr. Joanna Garner on Effective Presentation Slide Design | Instructor Guide
RIA # 82: Dr. Ronald Kander on Building a Successful Research Career | Instructor Guide
RIA # 83: Dr. Katie Linder  on Strategies for Organizing Your Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 84: Dr. Ali Black on Narrative-based Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 85: Dr. Colin Hesse on Researching Interpersonal Communication | Instructor Guide
RIA # 86: Dr. Laura Gogia on Researching the Student Experience | Instructor Guide
RIA # 87: Dr. Stuart Buck on Research Integrity | Instructor Guide
RIA # 88: Dr. Asao B. Inoue on Writing Assessment as Anti-racist Practice | Instructor Guide
RIA # 89: Heather Roberts on Researching without a PhD | Instructor Guide
RIA # 90: Dr. Ben Hatton on Creativity and Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 91: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Dr. William D. Marelich on the Applied Quantitative Perspective | Instructor Guide
RIA # 92: Dr. Stephanie Evergreen on Data Visualization | Instructor Guide
RIA # 93: Dr. Katie Linder on Setting Research Goals | Instructor Guide
RIA # 94: Dr. Joli Jensen on Writer’s Block | Instructor Guide
RIA # 95: Dr. Robert Maribe Branch on Diagramming Complex Relationships | Instructor Guide
RIA # 96: Dr. Rebecca Pope-Ruark on Agile Methodology | Instructor Guide
RIA # 97: Dr. Bryan Alexander on Researching the Future | Instructor Guide
RIA # 98: Dr. Bonnie Stewart on Opening the Dissertation | Instructor Guide
RIA # 99: Dr. Jesse Stommel on Founding a Journal | Instructor Guide
RIA # 100: Dr. Wendy Belcher Returns to Celebrate 100 Episodes! | Instructor Guide
RIA # 101: Dr. Ian Munanura on Ecotourism | Instructor Guide
RIA # 102: Dr. Emma Compton-Daw on Supporting Post-docs | Instructor Guide
RIA # 103: Dr. Kenny Maes on Community Health Workers | Instructor Guide
RIA # 104: Dr. Deborah Loewenberg Ball on Effective Teacher Education | Instructor Guide
RIA # 105: Dr. Kris Shaffer on Computational Musicology | Instructor Guide
RIA # 106: Ali Duerfeldt on Research Dissemination Plans | Instructor Guide
RIA # 107: Dr. Jacob Hamblin on the Downwinders Project | Instructor Guide
RIA # 109: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto & Patrick Aldrich on Non-parametric Statistics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 110: Dr. Susan Shaw on Developing a New Research Methodology | Instructor Guide
RIA # 111: Mike Caulfield on the Digital Polarization Initiative | Instructor Guide
RIA # 112: Dr. Melanie Nelson on Research Project Management | Instructor Guide
RIA # 113: Dr. Kevin Doxzen on Science Communication | Instructor Guide
RIA # 114: Dr. Linda Henderson on Participatory Action Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 115: Dr. Avi Kaplan on Methodological Diversity | Instructor Guide
RIA # 116: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto & Dr. Mary Kite on Validity, Sampling, and Meta-analysis | Instructor Guide
RIA # 117: Dr. Bastian Minkenberg on Genome Editing | Instructor Guide
RIA # 118: Dr. Nancy Segal on Researching Twins | Instructor Guide
RIA # 119: Dr. Brad Shuck on Engagement in the Workplace | Instructor Guide
RIA # 121: Dr. Ludovico Cademartiri on Researching Plants | Instructor Guide
RIA # 122: Dr. Rebekah Willson on Grounded Theory | Instructor Guide
RIA # 123: Dr. Jessie Moore on Writing Transfer | Instructor Guide
RIA # 124: Dr. Sarah Rose Cavanagh on Emotions and Teaching | Instructor Guide
RIA # 125: Dr. Tim McKay on Astrophysics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 126: Dr. Reem Hajjar on Researching Forestry | Instructor Guide
RIA # 127: Dr. Jennifer Keup on Researching the First-Year Experience | Instructor Guide
RIA # 128: Dr. Jesse Nelson on Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education | Instructor Guide
RIA # 129: Zapoura Newton-Calvert & Dr. Deborah Smith Arthur on Capstone Courses | Instructor Guide
RIA # 130: Stefanie Buck on Current Trends and Challenges for Academic Libraries | Instructor Guide
RIA # 131: Dr. William Berman on Grant Budgets | Instructor Guide
RIA # 132: Dr. Gale Sinatra on Conceptual Change Learning | Instructor Guide
RIA # 133: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Dr. M. Brooke Robertshaw on Effect Sizes | Instructor Guide
RIA # 134: Dr. Michelle Covi on Sea Level Rise Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 135: Dr. Joshua Eyler on Umbrella IRBs | Instructor Guide
RIA # 136: Dr. Rebecca Thomas on Dissertation Writing | Instructor Guide
RIA # 137: Dr. David Wrathall on Taking Risks for Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 138: Dr. Heather Corwin on Embodied Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 139: Dr. Katie Linder on Getting Started with Podcasting | Instructor Guide
RIA # 140: Dr. James M. Lang on Editing a Book Series | Instructor Guide
RIA # 141: Dr. Gail Crimmins on Arts-informed Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 142: Dr. Gaetano Lotrecchiano on Building Effective Teams | Instructor Guide
RIA # 143: Dr. Katie Linder on the Report Reader Checklist | Instructor Guide
RIA # 144: Dr. Kay Shattuck on Being a Research Director | Instructor Guide
RIA # 145: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Dr. Mimi Recker on Learning Analytics and Big Data | Instructor Guide
RIA # 146: Meghan Grace on Researching Generation Z | Instructor Guide
RIA # 147: Christopher Plummer on Research and Creative Expression | Instructor Guide
RIA # 148: Susanne Garvis on Early Childhood Education | Instructor Guide 
RIA # 149: Dr. Keith Leavitt on Behavioral Ethics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 150: Dr. Bethany Simunich on the Relationship between Research and Assessment | Instructor Guide
RIA # 151: Dr. Adam Stokes on Bioinspired Engineering | Instructor Guide
RIA # 152: Dr. Mary Jane Curry on Multilingual Scholars | Instructor Guide
RIA # 156: Dr. Kevin Rose on Organizational Citizenship | Instructor Guide
RIA # 157: Dr. Liz Gross and Amber Sandall on Social Listening | Instructor Guide
RIA # 158: Dr. Steven Camicia on Democratic Education | Instructor Guide
RIA # 159: Dr. Reeves Shulstad on Biographical Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 160: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Dr. Stephen Jenkins on Academic Advising Online | Instructor Guide
RIA # 161: Dr. Monica Rysavy and Russell Michalak on Finding a Research Partner | Instructor Guide
RIA # 162: Lauren Remenick on Researching Authors’ Experiences | Instructor Guide
RIA # 163: Dr. Kevin Roessger on Content Analysis | Instructor Guide
RIA # 164: Dr. Sarah Casey on Digital Feminist Activism | Instructor Guide
RIA # 165: Sarah Vojnovich on Researching Corals | Instructor Guide
RIA # 166: Dr. Jay Dillon on Alumni Giving and Identity | Instructor Guide
RIA # 167: Dr. Juliet Watson on Researching Gender-based Violence | Instructor Guide
RIA # 168: Dr. Paul Eaton on Post-Qualitative Inquiry | Instructor Guide
RIA # 169: Dr. Helen Kara on Research Ethics | Instructor Guide
RIA # 170: Dr. Larry Rosen on Technology and the Brain | Instructor Guide
RIA # 171: The ECRU on Team-based Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 172: Dr. Nicola Ulibarri on Tools for Creativity in Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 173: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Stephania Fregosi on Data and Methods in Sustainability Research | Instructor Guide
RIA # 174: Dr. Emily Contois on Food Studies | Instructor Guide
RIA # 175: Dr. Sharla Berry on Cultivating Community Online | Instructor Guide
RIA # 176: Dr. Margy Thomas on Developmental Editing | Instructor Guide
RIA # 177: Dr. Laura A. Pasquini on Researching Support Structures for Learning | Instructor Guide
RIA # 178: Dr. Qwo-Li Driskill on Indigenous & Two-spirit Studies | Instructor Guide
RIA # 179: Dr. Natalie Pope on Researching Young Caregivers | Instructor Guide
RIA # 180: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Dane Skinner on Forecasting and Data Dashboards | Instructor Guide
RIA # 181: Dr. Julie Park on Researching Race, Diversity, and Equity in Higher Education | Instructor Guide
RIA # 183: Dr. Ron Mize on Researching the Immigrant Experience |Instructor Guide
RIA # 184: Dr. David Connor on Disability Studies |Instructor Guide
RIA # 185: Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Dr. Kathleen Preston on Item Response Theory | Instructor Guide