About the webinars
To celebrate the release of the recent edited collection The Business of Innovating Online, Oregon State University Ecampus is hosting a complimentary series of webinars including conversations with editor Dr. Katie Linder and chapter authors. These webinars will include opportunities for audience engagement and Q&A sessions with authors from leading online learning organizations across the nation.
Register for the series
* Registration includes a replay of the webinars
Webinar #1
Creating an Innovation Vision for Your Online Learning Organization
Tuesday, Sept. 24 @ 10 a.m. PT (11 a.m. MT, 12 p.m. CT, 1 p.m. ET)
Innovation does not happen by accident. In this webinar, Shannon Riggs and Jessica DuPont of Oregon State University Ecampus share concrete strategies for incorporating innovation into an e-learning unit’s vision from the very beginning. Based on their chapter from The Business of Innovating Online, the facilitators also describe methods for keeping that innovation vision alive over time in the day-to-day practices of staff, faculty and students as well as in longer-term strategic planning.
Webinar #2
Leading Innovation on Your Campus: Logistics and Lessons Learned
Tuesday, Oct. 22 @ 10 a.m. PT (11 a.m. MT, 12 p.m. CT, 1 p.m. ET)
Creating a culture of innovation takes effective leadership. In this webinar, Tom Cavanagh of the University of Central Florida and Luke Dowden of the Alamo Colleges District share experiences building, nurturing and sustaining teams that can produce award-winning innovations. Based on their chapter from The Business of Innovating Online, the facilitators describe strategies and practices that help to ensure effective communication, professional development, organization and creativity among team members.
Webinar #3
Innovative Financial Models for Online Education to Encourage Stakeholder Buy-In
Tuesday, Dec. 10 @ 10 a.m. PT (11 a.m. MT, 12 p.m. CT, 1 p.m. ET)
To keep online education affordable while maintaining a high standard of quality and innovation, institutions of higher education have needed to explore a range of financial models. In this webinar, Rovy Branon of the University of Washington, Nelson Baker of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Lisa Templeton of Oregon State University share some of the key components to consider in online education financial models. Based on their chapter from The Business of Innovating Online, they also offer examples of innovative incentive and cost-saving structures and provide suggestions for administrators who are considering making changes to the financial models of their online programs.