Student Device Preferences for Online Course Access and Multimedia Learning

About the study

As multimedia development efforts continue to become more important in online learning, gathering data regarding student device preferences helps us better inform the focus of course design efforts.

This report is based on a survey of more than 2,000 students who took online courses at Oregon State University through Oregon State Ecampus. The results provide insight into students’ device preferences for accessing their online courses and interacting with multimedia, such as videos and simulations. The study highlights some of the reasons why students who take courses online may prefer different devices for different educational purposes.

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of students preferred laptops for accessing their LMS homepage

Viewing video: preferences and reasons

Easy to Use
Most effective for viewing
this type of content
Don't have a better option
of the online student respondents owned laptops
of students would consider buying a new device if they thought it would benefit their education

This study was conducted by the Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit director Dr. Katie Linder and assistant director Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto.

For press inquiries, please contact Tyler Hansen.