Ecampus Schedule of Classes - All Terms

College of Science

ST 436 – R Programming for Data (3)

Focus on R programming from a data science perspective. Combine tools from the tidyverse set of packages to import, clean, prepare, and visualize data. Master basic data types, writing functions, automating repetitive tasks, and good practices for producing readable, reusable, and efficient R code. This course may be subject to Enforced Prerequisites that restrict registration into the course. Check the offerings below for more information.

For more information, contact OSU Ecampus at 800-667-1465 (option 1) or

Continue to Registration.

TermCRNSecCrP/NInstructorTypeStatusCapAvailWL CapWL Avail
F25163364003StaffOnline Open25251010
Registration Restrictions
Recommended: ST 201 or ST 351, experience working with data in spreadsheets or a point and click interface, or familiarity with calculating summary statistics (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation) and reading basic statistical charts (e.g., barcharts, histograms, scatterplots); critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning skills
Campus Restrictions: -C (Corv)
Class Notes: Campus restrictions for this section will lift after Phase I
Syllabus: Available in Canvas to students enrolled in this course. Or contact department to request syllabus.
Find textbooks for ST 436 at the OSU Beaver Store (current term only). For questions related to course materials, contact the OSU Beaver Store.

= Signifies the course as a Baccalaureate Core Course.
= Signifies that fees may apply to the course.
+ = Include restriction.
- = Exclude restriction.
* = Prereq may be taken prior to or simultaneously with this course.