Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
Faculty Profiles
Len Friedman
Program Leader and Instructor
Health Management and Policy Graduate Certificate
How long have taught online?
Four years.
What subjects have you taught?
H 434/534 Health Care Law and Regulation.
What made you become interested in offering your classes through Ecampus?
We run our graduate certificate through Ecampus because some of the courses are held at Samaritan Health Services sites in the Willamette Valley, and this course is required in the program.
What would you tell a student who was interested in taking your courses?
The online course is of the same rigor and quality as our on-campus course but available for working adults in a format that allows them to take classes without disrupting their work or home lives.
How do you incorporate interaction and discussion in your online classes?
The discussion board feature is the primary method for facilitating discussion around a particular question or topic. Student group activity is enhanced by the group feature allowing for discussions among the group along with private email and file exchange.
What do you see as the advantages of taking classes online?
The primary feature is convenience for the student and availability of relevant and timely course content along with other working professionals.
What do you enjoy about being a program leader?
The ability to create a program that generates a high level of value to students and to the field is perhaps the most satisfying part of this job. Health care management is all about creating and sustaining the systems that allow skilled clinicians to do their very best work. The knowledge that our students play a key role in this most important human activity is satisfying beyond measure.
What has been the biggest surprise to you about online learning?
The level of student interaction using the discussion board is superior to anything I have seen in a face-to-face class.
What's one thing about yourself you'd like distance students to know?
Students need to know and understand my total commitment to teaching and learning. My role is to create an environment that allows each student, regardless of where they are located physically, to achieve their fullest potential in every course I teach.
Get more info about our online Health Management and Policy Graduate Certificate.
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Spring term starts March 31.
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