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5 lessons learned from developing and launching microcredentials online

August 31, 2022  ·  2 minutes  ·  By Jessica DuPont

Editor’s note: This post has been excerpted from the WCET Frontiers blog.

Oregon State University launched its first microcredentials in the fall of 2021, with initial offerings available in winter quarter 2022. Currently, all Oregon State microcredentials are offered online. They are for-credit and consist of at least three courses and 8 credits that follow OSU’s quarterly term calendar.

Our centralized online learning division, Ecampus, spearheaded this initiative with our associate provost at the helm. While all internal OSU partners were highly supportive, it was somewhat challenging for a four-year public institution that has offered traditional credentials for more than 150 years.

Here are five lessons we learned from our early experiences in developing and launching microcredentials.

1. A better understanding of the audience for microcredentials will be essential for successful recruitment and future enrollment. For example, are microcredentials primarily for current students in your degree programs? New students only interested in a microcredential? Students interested in stacking a microcredential into a degree at some point? These audiences all have different needs and entail different recruitment tactics and support services.

2. Think through and design an optimal student experience, especially for brand new students starting at your institution with microcredentials. You’ll need to consider what student support looks like. Often, advising isn’t accessible for nondegree students pursuing courses. How will they feel a sense of belonging or connection to your university?

3. There is low consumer awareness for microcredentials. Building awareness for this type of alternative credential and its benefits needs to happen in tandem with recruitment efforts.

4. Leveraging established marketing tactics and budget. Marketing individual microcredentials is almost like marketing individual courses, which is not scalable. Better understanding how to leverage marketing/promotion with current efforts to market your online offerings will be more efficient and scalable.

5. Is what you’re offering in-demand? Consider collaborating with corporate entities or professional organizations to develop and offer microcredentials that will help upskill and reskill their workforce. Employer recognition and endorsement of microcredentials will also help to boost awareness and recognition of microcredentials.

Read more insights on microcredential adoption, implementation and evaluation from Oregon State’s Jessica DuPont and Sherri Braxton of University of Maryland, Baltimore County on the WCET Frontiers blog.

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Jessica DuPont

As the Associate Vice Provost of Oregon State University's Division of Educational Ventures, Jessica DuPont oversees several units within the division and Ecampus, including corporate education, student success and marketing and enrollment services. She was part of the founding Ecampus team when she started her Oregon State career in 1998. Her accomplishments include branding Oregon State nationally as a top-ranked leader in online education, launching OSU’s first tuition benefit programs with corporate collaborators, increasing financial aid for online learners, and directing market research to develop in-demand online degree programs for adult learners.

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